
Mortimer 2022-01-13 08:01:56

His colors are always so breathtaking. The orange dress that wraps the body makes people feel infinitely stretched. The soft, fragrant flesh feels, the erotic fades, and what is left is only warmth.

When a man is crazy for a woman, a woman will be crazy for it too, what a touching love, all girls will yearn for. Just like Iwai Shunji's "Bundle of Love", just like Kitano Takeshi's "Doll", there will be a desire to possess each other in extreme love, tie her/him, tie him/her, and never separate.

The image of the rope is like a totem of love. However, both Shunji Iwai and Takeshi Kitano are sad. They can only be liberated by the end of their lives. Only Almodova can make such a bright and moving picture, which makes people happy and satisfied. Keep the eye sockets moist.

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Extended Reading
  • Fay 2022-03-29 09:01:07

    A short story from the Stockholm plot. . . In the end, they lived happily together. . . I went. . . . . . . I like this one. . Male S and female M are interchangeable, and some Douyou.

  • Fredy 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    Banderas is destined to be a lunatic to shine!

Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! quotes

  • Ricky: Will you run away if I don't tie you up?

    Marina Osorio: I don't know. You'd better tie me up. Tie me up.

  • Lola: You're crazy! How can you love a kidnapper who ties you up? You think that's normal? You must be in shock. You can't be that kinky!