Feminism is over.

Brittany 2022-02-19 08:01:38

In 2019, the plot action crime movie " Hell's Kitchen | The Kitchen "

Quite embarrassing, I thought this subject was something magical and horrible. . . Unexpectedly, it is a crime theme that I don't like very much. . Science fiction in the category. . I really didn't understand. . Is this a science fiction movie?

Perhaps science fiction is on the turf, although it is considered a cool feminist film, it should not be so simple in the real world.

Is the dispute over the underworld turf as simple as that? Are the three women justified?

It's really sci-fi. . .

Another thing that is not correct is that there is a feeling of beautifying the underworld. . That is, when the feminist Shang Shuangshuang is over, it is not really true.

It does have some meaning in educating and encouraging women.

Melissa McCarthy I watch her comedies too much. . . Too much drama. . what

------------I am the dividing line of protection fees---------------------

Recommendation index: ★★☆ (5/10 points), the feminist is cool and it's over.

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Extended Reading
  • Hilton 2022-03-25 09:01:19

    I think it's entirely the director's problem. There is no sense of rhythm in the progress of the story, which leads to high points and no high points. There is no ups and downs in the subsequent reversal.

  • Jeffry 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    It turns out that the streets of the United States in the 1970s were so dirty. Street garbage piles up. The paper garbage all over the floor is disgusting. These three women sympathized with Gabriel and Claire, the pair of hard-working mandarin ducks. In the end, the woman was shot and killed. Sure enough, there is always a price to be paid to be a big sister. The fat woman played the best role among the three actresses, followed by the dead Claire. The actors of black women always feel that they are too bad, and their eyes and expressions are sometimes unnatural. .

The Kitchen quotes

  • Kathy Brennan: Bunch of men that have forgotten what family means.

    Ruby O'Carroll: So we remind them.