Pretty realistic

Onie 2022-01-12 08:02:29

To be honest, I don't like this movie very much. Frankly speaking, I was attracted by the name, but I don't like parallel plots very much.

Do you think you buy and eat the shit everyday? When
watching this movie, I was holding a hamburger in my mouth. Only oneself knows what it is like.

It feels very realistic. This is how we are, so attracted by the little grace, we deceive ourselves for the illusory gains in front of us, and we use lies to persuade ourselves before we do. We are like those cows. Even if the fences are removed for them, they still will not choose to leave. They are still attached to the lazy life that is cared for by people and filled with feed. The irony is how the enthusiastic young people can induce them. Just don't leave. Intriguing. We are like these cows, even if we are free from the shackles, we don't know where to run is the direction of freedom. We are institutionalized. We can no longer break out of this framework; our lives are written here, if we want to go out, we can only exchange our lives.
I admire the businessman even more, knowing that there is SHIT in every hamburger, he still ate with peace of mind, as if nothing had happened. On this road, can't turn back? I think there is such a reason. After I had no choice, I was relieved, merged in, reconciled, and tolerated. Or, the already indifferent heart will not care about these things. After all, if the slaughterhouse is like this, under the condition that the process is completely legal, the BUG makes the produced meat all have SHIT, then what to eat is not the same. Just like now we have pesticides on our vegetables, feeds in our meats, and progesterone in crabs. Anyway, it evened out in the end. As a result, everyone feels at ease and no longer cares about it. This is really sad. It's ironic, but it still finds it funny, don't blame me for being ruthless. interesting. It's really interesting.
I honestly didn't understand the ending, as if it stopped abruptly. Think about it, it was a little hamburger that introduced them to the United States, introduced them to the paradise of their dreams, and brought them to the hell of destiny. The so-called human nature. Quite realistic. We are always repeating things like this. But we are always repeating. Only.

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Extended Reading
  • Tre 2022-03-27 09:01:15

    Alright, would you like some fast food now?

  • Loyce 2022-03-16 09:01:06

    A group of people risked going to jail and opened the bullpen, shouting to the herd: "You are free! Run!" The cows that had been fed to the brain with fodder were still humming and motionless. -Fight a country.

Fast Food Nation quotes

  • Harry Rydell: It is a sad fact of life, Don, but the truth is we all have to eat a little shit from time to time.

  • Alice: [to a cow] Come on, don't you want to be free?