Flowing like a river

Matilda 2022-01-14 08:01:32

I watched this "prosaic" life film for two intermittent days.

It is indeed a loose movie. The plot is so slow that I can't bear it. There is no ups and downs in the plot. I don't know when the climax will arrive.

I can’t wait to delete a movie every time I watch it, but somehow I’ve never been willing to delete it. My hand stays on DELETE every time, and it’s hovering for a long time, but I always get it. It’s like a movie where people watching frequently doze off. Cast magic on me.

Every time I think of this film, there is always an indescribable feeling in my heart, a touch of warmth, a touch of sadness, like a quietly flowing river in the evening, quiet and profound, containing everything and resolving everything in silence.

All sorrows will slowly pass away (RELEASE), just leave something beautiful in your heart (CATCH), life will continue, right?

Not deleted so far!

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Extended Reading
  • George 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    I have no feelings for the heroine... The male lead's surprised look is very "smooth"... A mouthful of white teeth is also "smooth" 囧b

  • Itzel 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    Every happiness is a little sad, every sadness is full of warmth. It's not pure comedy, it's not pure romance. 'A lot of the time the real understanding of a person starts when he leaves you, and then there is a chance to re-examine yourself.

Catch and Release quotes

  • [last lines]

    Fritz: What took you so long?

  • Gray: I told them all the great things I know about you and there were a lot. I was up there for a while. I didn't tell them everything, though. I left out the complicated stuff, like how it took losing you forever for me to truly find you. And how finding you turned me into someone else entirely. That's not what they came for. People want to hear you were great. Not that were great, but also, sometimes, not so great. They want to know I miss you. Not that while I've been missing you, I've fallen for someone else. It's weird, though. I feel like the only one who would understand this is you. In a way, that makes sense. He was the one person you were yourself around. Of course he'd be that same person for me. Anyway, I left all that out and I kept it simple. I told them I loved you and that's the truth.