Freda 2022-01-13 08:02:45

What is love?
Love is like singing in "LOVE SONG": With
you, I feel like I am home;
with you, I feel complete;
with you, I feel young, free, happy, and pure... …
This is love, the love that only you can give.

I like love, love that grows slowly.
Like to be in front of him, crying and laughing unscrupulously, even picking his nose and scratching his feet;
like Jim subconsciously saying Michelle’s mantra: this one time, at band camp...
Suddenly smiled, suddenly surprised, Suddenly realized that I already had this in my heart; I
like to treat happiness and unhappiness as the best nourishment for love, like Brian and Rebecca. Thunder
showers are nothing but just pour more water.

This is love.

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Extended Reading
  • Paxton 2022-03-28 09:01:08

    BC is really a good actor, his camera is so good. By the way, my heart mark was like that spoon at that time (¯﹃¯)

  • Randi 2022-03-25 09:01:18

    Obviously I watched it a year ago, so it turns out that this film has been ignored by me to the point that I forgot to add it...

Starter for 10 quotes

  • Brian Jackson: I admit it. I'd made some mistakes. Okay, some big mistakes. Loads of them. But you can't hide in your room forever feeling sorry for yourself. It's not practical. At some point, you've got to get back out there, face up to things, and confront your demons. Ever since I can remember, I'd wanted to be clever. Some people are born clever, same way some people are born beautiful. I'm not one of those people. I'm going to have to work at it, put in the effort, and if I mess it up, I'll learn from it. Besides, sometimes it's not about knowing the right answer. Sometimes it's about asking the right questions.

  • Tone: Are you shagging her then?

    Brian Jackson: It's platonic.

    Spencer: What does that mean?

    Tone: Means she won't let him shag her.