The history of the romantic decline of the galaxy

Gilda 2021-12-07 08:01:04

Since its birth, Star Wars has always been a science fiction myth. In this mythology, the enemy and our camp are very distinct: the Jedi, who represents justice, leads an uprising army pursuing freedom, and creates evil incarnations against the tyranny of the Sith Lord and the tyranny of the Galactic Empire. In this myth, the revolutionary situation is very good, not small. Although the righteous force consecrated by the "Force Force" inevitably suffered setbacks, it did not prevent the victory from victory to victory. After the three major battles of Yavin, Endor and Jaku, they achieved decisive victory. In this myth, the protagonist is famous, and he is enlightened by a famous teacher to become an extraordinary body. It will inevitably respond to a hundred responses, and going deep into the tiger's lair will always turn danger into a breeze. As for finally getting rid of the trespassers, reviving the republic, and returning to the old capital, "The hero and the princess have lived happily ever since..." Everything is so logical and well deserved.

Perfection, this myth has since become a household name.

It's over, this nonsense can no longer be made up.

So there was Star Wars 8, the most deplorable Star Wars movie ever. We will be fortunate to see how the many romantic myths meticulously concocted from the prequel to the main story collapsed in an instant. The real galaxy may be worse than we thought.

The enemy gets better every day, we rot every day

In the last Star Wars 7, the successor of the Rebel Alliance, the Resistance organization, made great strides and destroyed the "Star Killer", the mass killer of the remnant party of the Galactic Empire, the First Order. By". However, the good times did not last long. As soon as Star Wars 8 began, the base of the resistance organization was bombarded indiscriminately by enemy forces. They suffered heavy losses and retreated hastily, leaving only a large interstellar cruiser and a small number of transport ships and X-wing fighter jets into deep space.

Lost the first order of "Star Killer", but still has a strong lineup. They not only possessed a large number of Imperial Star Destroyer and countless titanium fighters, but also sent a more powerful new warship "Dreadnought".

The first-order "delegator IV-class" besieged the dreadnought ship "Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought Fulminatrix", which is 7699.72 meters long. There are two giant automatic guns on the abdomen for orbital bombing. The back is lined up with twenty-four. Seat point for defense of anti-aircraft guns.

And the resistance organization can come up with countermeasures, only a few awkward horizontal bombers, they even have to reach the enemy warships to drop horizontal bombs in order to make an effective attack. The battlefield myth that Huanglong can kill the "Death Star" with a few cheap fighter jets is shattered. The resistance organization had to face the serious consequences of outdated weapons and equipment and outdated tactical concepts.

The resistance organization M-100 StarFortress SF-17 heavy bomber (MG-100 StarFortress SF-17) is rushing towards the dreadnought ship armed to the teeth, which is almost a suicide attack.

Think about how strong the New Republic was formed by the League of Rebels thirty years ago! On the outer desert planet Jakku, the New Republic and the Galactic Empire fought the final decisive battle. The last major star destroyer of the empire, the Punisher, was buried on the surface of the desert. The New Republic won the battle. After that, the remnant forces of the Galactic Empire were no longer able to launch large-scale battles, and were forced to surrender to the New Republic to negotiate peace, and were in fact disarmed. Although the republic is the "political correctness" of Star Wars, what era has the victor opened?

Obviously, the new republic does not have many innovations on the political level, and still uses the loose and laissez-faire planetary federal system of the old republic: a parliamentary government that lacks authority nominally governs a bunch of seemingly detached galactic dominions. The inhabitants of these galaxies have diverse races, very different customs, and diverse social formations, each adhering to different values. This state naturally contains the seeds of division and rebellion. But the complacent senior leaders of the New Republic naively believe that permanent peace has come. They implemented a series of decentralization and demilitarization reforms. The Star Fleet has been greatly reduced, and its strength is far from being compared with the clone army of the Old Republic, let alone contending with the Imperial Army. Almost the whole country is immersed in pacifist fantasies, ignoring the threat of a resurgence of the remnants of the empire. The remnants of the empire finally got a respite. The "First Order" of interstellar armed forces aimed at rejuvenating the Galactic Empire took advantage of the momentum, and a new source of war has quietly formed.

Facing the huge hidden dangers of war, the New Republic adopted a Chamberlain-style appeasement policy, deceiving itself to delineate the buffer zone, and trying to coexist peacefully with the First Order. Although the First Order has repeatedly illegally crossed the border, such as entering the land of no one, the New Republic also turned a blind eye to this, and merely issued a diplomatic protest. The hero of the war, Princess Leia, suggested a severe blow to the First Order, but was squeezed out by the top of the New Republic and slandered as a war monger, an incurable person, and a person who lived in the past.

The social system of the New Republic is even more lackluster. Secretly dominating the order of the galaxy is still a capital oligarch similar to the "Trade Federation" of the old age. This seemingly civilized and powerful "new republic" is full of various phenomena of astonishing corruption, injustice, and polarization between the rich and the poor caused by powerful capitalism. In the era of the Old Republic, the planet Tatooine has been in the hands of evil forces headed by Jabba the Hutt for a long time. Slavery, population trading, and dark web transactions have become popular, becoming a notorious dark corner of the galaxy.

In Star Wars 8, the Canto Bight Casino (Canto Bight) has become a luxury gold cave for the wealthy and powerful of the New Republic. The famous celebrities and wealthy businessmen of the whole galaxy are here to hug and spend thousands of dollars; underage child labor But amidst the scolding of the supervisor, he cleaned the camel stable day and night.

If you are just a civilian, you will be arbitrarily detained by the casino security just because you park the wrong car (the spacecraft); if the giant ship artillery you sell has destroyed the homes of tens of millions of people, that does not prevent you from immediately gaining the honorable VIP membership of the casino qualifications.

It seems that the degenerate republican system neither helps to improve the living standards of the vast majority of the people at the bottom of the galaxy, nor can it endow them with more rights and dignity. It’s no wonder that when the empire took its place, apart from the Jedi knights and a few upper-class liberals who were slain, not many people showed excessive nostalgia and resistance to the demise of the Republic—destroying you, and What am I doing! Since they didn't get anything in the past, they obviously won't lose anything anymore.

Therefore, when the New Republic and its pacifist dreams are instantly turned into powder in the energy storm of the "Starkiller" crossing hyperspace, the isolation of the "resistance force" of its only surviving inheritor can be imagined. . The trees fell, the hens fell, the birds fell into the forest, and the white land was so clean! When the infiltration team of Finn and Rose was mercilessly betrayed by the thief DJ, don’t make a fuss; when the desperate "resistance organization" is in Crater (Crait) When the planet sends a signal to rescue soldiers and no one responds, don't blame others. The tendency of offensive and defensive is also easy. The romantic myth of the people of the Republic has long since disappeared.

The saints don’t die, the thieves don’t stop

When a person lacks self-confidence in his own strength and personality, he will have a strong psychological dependence and pin all hopes on a savior with extraordinary power. In the world he imagined, the savior will save him from the sea of ​​suffering, give him strength and faith, and therefore the confused life will have meaning. In return, he will serve the savior wholeheartedly. As a result, various religions that sell "salvation" came into being. Jedi Masters turned their metaphysics about "The Force" into a doctrine. For thousands of years, legends and cults about lightsabers, magical skills, and chivalrous acts have been circulating throughout the galaxy, forming the basic image of the Jedi myth.

In the Jedi mythology, "the original force" is a mysterious energy that exists among all things in the universe. It not only governs the laws of the universe, but also governs the good and evil of human nature. "The Force" has two planes of light and darkness. The Jedi Knight symbolizes the light side of "The Force" and is the incarnation of absolute justice. Their mission is to explore the meaning of "The Force", maintain the balance of "The Force", and resist the erosion of the dark side of "The Force". At the political level, the Jedi Knights are also the defenders of the Galactic Republic and the democratic system, enjoying lofty prestige and outstanding power.

In the civil war of the Republic and the battle against the tyranny of the Galactic Empire, the Jedi Knights took the lead. As the last Jedi Master, Luke Skywalker (Luke Skywalker) reached the pinnacle of "The Force". It was him who destroyed the “Death Star”, the ultimate weapon of the empire’s rampage, and reversed the balance of power between the enemy and ourselves; it was him who defeated the formidable Sith Lord Darth Vader (Darth Vader) and brought darkness The leader of the forces, the evil Emperor Palpatine, was sent to hell; he recreated the republic, and his name went down in history; he also continued the legendary charm of the Jedi mythology, letting the miracle of the Jedi knight be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

When the "First Order" came back and the "resistance organization" was on the verge of disintegration, people from all over the galaxy naturally focused their attention on Master Luke Skywalker, hoping that he would come out again and raise the flag of righteousness. Invincible! However, when they tried their best to find this master, the hero of the world with the title of "Last Jedi Master" gave a different answer:

"I quit!"

Was it unexpected? Are you sad? The Romance of the Jedi myth, praised by the poor for generations, was thus shattered. Luke's words revealed the paradox of the myth itself: "In their (Jedi) heyday, they sat and watched the rise of Darth Sidious and established an empire, and then they were wiped out by him. Darth. Si Vader was also cultivated and created by the Jedi Master."

In a word, the Jedi is unreliable and unreliable.

To say that they are unreliable lies in the organization and responsibilities of the Jedi Knights, which are always in a vague state. You say that they are an important organ of the Republic, but the Jedi Order is an independent military order in organization. They have always had a distrustful attitude towards the government of the Republic, and they are relatively dissociated in action. They are not completely obedient to the parliament but can do their own way.

They claim to be defenders of peace and justice, but when the separatists launched a rebellion, the Jedi elders claimed that they were few soldiers and were unable to calm the situation.

For the common people, the Jedi Knights are by no means heroic and righteous as in the legend. Their actions are more about their own interests. In Naboo, Kui Gang Jin flatly refused to fight for Queen Amidala's request for the restoration of the country; in Tatooine, it was only because of Anakin's talent that Kui Gang Jin agreed to leave him as a slave. As for Anakin's mother, there is no honor to enjoy the same treatment.

In retaliation for the kidnapping and killing of his mother by the Tusken Raider, the Jedi warrior Anakin slaughtered the entire village population. Even women and children were not spared. He was not punished afterwards, even verbally reprimanded. nothing.

In a society where there is no hope, all kinds of "Mengjun's Dream", "Innocent Official Dream" and "Xia Ke Meng" will emerge. The myths and legends of the Jedi Knights are just one of these dreams. They are the placebo for the gloomy lives of the inhabitants of the galaxy. In fact, they live like this without them.

Say they are unreliable. That's because of the fact that the ultimate goal of the Jedi doctrine, "protecting the balance of the force", is an excellent irony of the Jedi myth. There is light and shadow. If only the Jedi who represents the bright side of the "Force" stands out and thrives in the sky, it is a manifestation of the "Force" imbalance. Therefore, the dark side of the "force" must be differentiated from the light side in order to achieve a state of "balance". Thus, there was the rise of the "Dark Jedi" and the subsequent "Sith".

As the saying goes, the saint is immortal, and there are more thieves. It was the Jedi who created the Sith, which in turn conformed to the "balance of force." Of course, the Jedi masters know the advantages and disadvantages of this. Their attitude towards the "balance of force" is both positive and negative, and always implies Ye Gonghao's hypocrisy. In Star Wars 1, the Jedi master Kui Gangjin accidentally discovered Anakin, who was later Darth Vader’s high-strength original talent talent. In line with the heart of loving talent and the original intention of the glorious sect, he solemnly presented to the Jedi Committee Anakin was introduced and suggested that he may be the person who reached the "balance of force" in the prophecy. In this regard, the attitude of the Jedi elders is worth pondering. From the very beginning, Master Yoda was firmly opposed to absorbing Anakin as a Jedi Knight, but because of the face of Kui Gangjin's last words, he had to make concessions.

After that, these old guys refused to grant Anakin the title of Jedi Elder on the grounds of insufficient qualifications. This is also a major incentive for Anakin to switch to the Sith camp.

The newly born black warrior rushed to the Jedi and was unstoppable. The Jedi Master's fear of the dark side of "The Force" has also reached the point of insanity. Even decades after the black warrior had been wiped out, Luke Skywalker had great suspicion and fear for his nephew and lover, Ben Solo, who also had an outstanding talent for the "Force". For some reasons, he believes that the dark side of Ben Solo’s body is increasing day by day. Zhu Yuanzhang put it well: “The bright can be invisible, and the ignorant can be hidden in the past.” In order to avoid possible endings, it is necessary to Hidden dangers are strangled in the bud. Therefore, the Jedi Master raised his butcher knife to his relatives and apprentices... The moment Luke swung his sword to Ben Solo was like Kronos devouring his own children in Greek mythology. It can be called Star Wars. The most shocking and palpitating scene. At the juncture of life and death, the furious Ben Solo had to fight back, and he quickly fell into the dark side of "The Force". Luke personally created another Darth Vader, but this time he couldn't rely on Lord Sith.

After this drastic change, Luke Skywalker's thoughts were lost. He began to reflect on the paradox of the Jedi doctrine itself and re-examine the meaning of "balance of force". As he said to Rey, "The Force" is not a secret magical technique monopolized by the Jedi. It exists in everything. Anyone who masters the method can perceive and use it. And the "balance of the force" is obviously not the endless ebb and flow between the Jedi and the Sith, and it is not an absolute contest between good and evil. Its true meaning is worth exploring and discovering more deeply.

The myth is over, history has just begun

In the end, Luke finally did not raise his lightsaber, and had a clichéd master-disciple duel with Kailoren, who had become the supreme leader, just like Obi-Wan once did with Anakin. He just put away the phantom, and then passed away peacefully with the wind. Prior to this, Master Yoda manifested himself in the thunder and lightning, and burned the Jedi Temple and its scriptures, which had been hidden for many years, and the history of the Jedi came to an end. However, two rounds of red sun appeared in front of Luke in Nirvana at the same time. The setting sun of the old days no longer shackles the dawn of the future. Luke Skywalker’s galactic romantic myth is over; for the people on the "Millennium Peregrine", history has just begun.

View more about Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi reviews

Extended Reading
  • Benny 2021-10-20 18:58:41

    Close to four stars; but among the three existing episodes (post-Disney’s Star Wars), it may be the weakest one; although the length of the film is long, the literary filming is not ideal. Luke and Rey’s relationship between master and apprentice is slightly weak. Some of the minor details also seem meaningless; the latter part is fierce, especially the finale, which is amazing; but the whole is not too ideal.

  • Dee 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    White and black, light and darkness, justice and evil, glory and humbleness, hope and disillusionment, forgiveness and anger, everything is in the line of difference; in the growth and flow of all things, we are diligently seeking the source of inner peace of power, according to the mirror. Seeing countless pasts and countless futures that I do not want to face, never giving up courage and trust, never fearing the coming of the so-called truth, returning soul to perfection turns into a breeze, and there is new hope in the world.

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi quotes

  • Luke Skywalker: What do you know about the force?

    Rey: It's a power that Jedi have that lets them control people and... make things float.

    Luke Skywalker: Impressive. Every word in that sentence was wrong.

  • Poe Dameron: You must have a thousand questions.

    Finn: Where's Rey?