Tell me about the filming location of the movie

Alysha 2022-01-16 08:01:05

The movie must be quite good, the tear point is low, I can't help crying for a while.

What I want to say is a filming location in the movie.

Yes, it's here, it's picturesque.

When Pepper learned that if the war stopped, father would be able to return, he ran to Mr. Hashimoto, and Mr. Hashimoto told Pepper that Japan is on the other side of the sea, if "you point to the direction where the sun meets the sea and sky, You are facing Japan."

Pepper wanted to stop the war by "casting spells" against Japan on the other side of the sea. Although Mr. Hashimoto said that he did not believe in his magical abilities, he still said to him: "Do what you think is reasonable."

Although Pepper was a little disappointed in his heart, after a while, with his firm beliefs, he stood on the bench of the observatory, facing the Japanese "sofa" on the other side of the sea. Every day, he stood there with his hands facing the sea, using all his strength, small body, and making the strongest sound, hoping to use magic power to stop the war.

Every day, the little boy Pepper stood there and worked hard, working hard until he was exhausted, working hard until he merged with the twilight. He understands that for him, this is the "most reasonable thing", the most likely thing to get Dad back.

This is Pepper’s first spell

Until twilight, until tired

I love this lens, so wonderful

After I checked it on the Internet, I found that the filming of this film was in Baja Film Studios in Mexico.

But I wanted to find Pepper’s "casting location" here, so I clicked on the official website of Baja Studios (URL is ). To my surprise, the home page of the official website is Peper Po's "casting location", haha! I am a lucky dog. lol

Baja Studios official website

Movie screen taken from this angle

Real picture

Haha, so lucky a day!

View more about Little Boy reviews

Extended Reading
  • Mason 2022-03-23 09:02:59

    Reflected on the meaning of World War II through the perspective of a little boy's affection, and learned a lot. Faith, anti-war, family affection, discrimination, respect, those different levels of chance have nothing to do with belief, but for everyone, the kind of dedication and belief in love, moved again and again.

  • Kacie 2022-03-18 09:01:06

    Just finished reading, crying like a dog. Gradually learn more about that period of history, whether it is right or wrong, the suffering brought by the war to ordinary people is huge. Reflecting that period of history from the perspective of a little boy, it’s sincere and touching

Little Boy quotes

  • Hashimoto: [holding Pepper's chin] Don't measure yourself from here to the floor. Measure yourself from here to the sky. That makes you the tallest boy in town.

  • Pepper Flynt Busbee: Why did they send you away to the camps?

    Emma Busbee: Pepper, that is not the kind of question you ask.

    Hashimoto: Mrs. Busbee, it's okay. It's simple. I have the face of the enemy. Doesn't matter if this is my home. Doesn't matter if I love this land, this country.