Some speculation

Sophia 2022-01-14 08:02:06

Contains spoilers

I think there is a high probability that the male protagonist will be second (there is also a small probability of being a folk god at the time). The main reason for speculation is:

1. Strong mathematical analysis and reasoning ability

2. Easily change the firing pin of the gun, and see the FBI being killed.

3. The appearance description is basically the same as the description of No. 2

Then, I am more certain that the manager of Bank No. 1 was the last to kill with night vision goggles. The reasons are as follows:

1. When the computer master among the three robbers was killed, he was surprised and said: it was you. (His previous psychological perception was that of the male protagonist... If the male protagonist wears night vision goggles, he wouldn’t be so surprised)

2. If the male protagonist is indeed No. 2, then he shouldn't go on killing people... Bloody killing is obviously the style of No. 1.

Remaining survivors: I think the four of them are unrelated persons who can explain clearly. There are also several other situations:

If the actor is No. 2, then two more than 600 thieves can be considered as the actor's team members (or not). Security experts wearing glasses do the same as black female employees. After all, No. 2 has a perfect team, and in the end the Raccoons survived.

However, I think the four of them are unlikely to belong to the No. 1 camp. If it is, then it is not in line with the last shot of No. 1. If you pitted No. 1, and there is an intersection with No. 1, then you should be killed in the dark? ‍♀️

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Extended Reading
  • Roger 2022-03-28 09:01:08

    How sad. . Bank films turned into comedies and then into thrillers. . really ugly

  • Gussie 2022-03-17 09:01:07

    There are two types of movies, no country in the world can shoot the UK: one is a corrupt movie. The other is the black humor of "Sad God saves the world, little thieves toss big thief, passers-by somersault in the palm of God".

Flypaper quotes

  • Mr. Clean: Can we waterboard him? I saw how to do it on the Discovery channel.

  • Peanut Butter: Now that's Jelly's gun! It was his mother's!