
Eliseo 2022-01-16 08:01:29

This is a family movie in the context of a disaster. The father’s love is like a mountain, the family love is the greatest, and the blood is thicker than the water! The man’s wife did not save her life because of postpartum hemorrhage, but the child did.

After experiencing the emotional loss of his wife, the male protagonist ushered in a storm after adjusting his mood. Because his daughter was difficult to transfer in the incubator, he stayed in the hospital!

The 48-hour wait began. I was really moved, and only the willpower triggered by family affection! He was saved because he saved a search and rescue dog. Lasted for 48 hours! In the end both the child and the male lead are saved!

It's basically a movie played by one person, with acting skills! Tribute to Paul! It's worth seeing!

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Extended Reading
  • Marcel 2022-03-25 09:01:18

    This father's thinking is not very clear... Fortunately, the child is good at it.

  • Maci 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    It's been almost ten years since I watched a movie, and this is the first time I have a double-hearted viewing experience. This disc was collected after learning of Paul's death, although it was taken by the third district of Thailand without hesitation. After taking it home, he never dared to watch it. No matter what the plot was, he couldn't look directly at Paul's face before his death. Hey, the plot of the torturous heart and the fact that Paul has left for the entire 90 minutes have been's too uncomfortable~

Hours quotes

  • Abigail Hayes: You're so stubborn. I love that about you.

  • [last lines]

    Nolan: [hugging crying baby] I know you.