Excessive force, unable to express one's intention

Annette 2022-01-18 08:01:09

Looking at the whole, I believe that the average audience will have two feelings: the first is lengthy, and the second is excessive force.

This kind of theme that expresses the tragedy of the bottom, once there are too many performance traces and design bridges, it is easy to appear fake. For example, speaking to the camera, if it is a story of a middle-class cheating, then it may be a magical and interesting story. But when used in this movie, it became an out-of-date dazzling technique. In the same way, the frame changes and the colors change, which is inevitable to feel frivolous in this story.

And before showing off the skills, do you want to do the more basic details first.

For example, when the Dutch brother woke up by the water, he first gave a 90-degree upside-down shot of a water bird on the lake. Obviously this is the perspective of the Dutch brother.

Next is the shot of the Dutch brother lying on his side. Here we can see that he is lying down on his right side.

Think about it carefully. If he lay down on his right side, would the previous lens just be reversed?

I am neither a professional nor have I spare time to pick out the mistakes frame by frame for such a long film. I just saw something wrong with my intuition here, so I pondered it a bit more. Sure enough, there is a problem.

So, if you don't understand such low-level lens errors, don't show off your skills.

Although the movie is too hard, it is necessary for the Dutch brother himself to participate in such a movie. It is definitely a good thing for young actors to pursue this kind of pursuit. These different performance experiences will be valuable assets in the future. After all, Spiderman can't eat forever.

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Extended Reading
  • Mark 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    The Russell Brothers' PTSD personal epic, the first half of the protagonist's intensive narration is a headache, and the second half is real: what is this?

  • Griffin 2022-03-28 09:01:11

    When I was looking for the best soundtrack of the year at the end of the year, I thought of this film and never watched it. The scheduling, photography, and editing are quite good, the holland brother dedicated his superb acting skills, and henry jackman dedicated his best soundtrack for many years. The effect of the film is indescribable. The best is the epilogue of part one and the whole music shop. The rest of the pot cover and Requiem of Dreams are only superficial and have a serious sense of fragmentation.

Cherry quotes

  • Cherry: See, the thing about robbing banks is that you're mostly robbing women, so the last thing you wanna be is rude.

    [Cherry points gun at bank teller]

    Cherry: Ma'am, it's nothing personal.

  • Cherry: Sometimes I wonder if life was wasted on me.

    Cherry: It's not that I'm dumb to the beauty of things. I take all the beautiful things to heart, and then they f*ck my heart till I about die from it.

    Cherry: It's just something in me has always drawn me away... until there's nothing holding me together.