Nicole's leaning and low-key salvation

Thaddeus 2022-01-13 08:03:02

It was a gloomy afternoon when I watched this movie, the image turned black, and charming indie music sounded with the subtitles. Of course, as an independent film, how could it lack the harmony of independent music until the end of the three beautiful songs? , I still feel unfulfilled.

The starring role is Nicole. After sinking into a commercial blockbuster for a few years, she leaned over to shoot this independent film. It was consolation or nostalgia. After all, the difference between Nicole and the Oscar was the two independent films. Movies, "Small Island" and "The Moment". Regardless of her acting skills in it (not disappointed), her appearance is already the biggest reason for me to watch the movie. In the film, she often wears a pink fisherman hat, which is exactly the one on the poster, which symbolizes her intrusion into the younger sister’s family and life, and also symbolizes her intrusion into the plot of an affair in the film, despite such an intrusion. It is not always pleasant, but the end result is that such an intrusion brings salvation to everyone and a good death. So can it be understood that the filming and distribution of this film has received another kind of redemption because of Nicole's participation? Hope to get a good death too.

Nicole in the play plays a mean, sharp, sensitive, neurotic, and interpersonal female writer (all the elements I love~), similar to Virginia in "The Moments", but more life-like and full of realism, no Know whether it is Nicole’s strategy or the publisher’s strategy. The characters always say the wrong things in the film, intentionally or unintentionally, the result is the effect of death first, first bursting and then budding, life needs to be broken in this way, maybe it has the effect of dispersing the fog, this is also The philosophy of life I believe in. Speaking of the movie itself, the whole film is full of gray tones, the wooden houses by the sea, similar to the deserted yard, which is the old house left by their parents, just like the dress style of all the characters, in short, it is a kind of waiting to be colored. The environment, and in the second half, the sapphire blue tent that my sister built when she was preparing for the wedding was refreshing. Although it was crushed in the subsequent felling of the tree, it was not another kind of reconstruction. The pink hat and royal blue tent are like a glimpse of an angel.

Family affection and marriage may be the main theme, but the love in it is always flawed, such as the temporary destruction of a younger sister’s wedding. When she knows some nasty things about her husband, but the sincerity and confession of her husband are also forgiven and saved. At this time, Love has completed the transition, between family affection and desire, perhaps the truth. From the perspective of family affection, the misunderstandings between relatives are often greater than those between lovers and friends. Being too close makes it difficult to speak. Therefore, a kind of blasting, outspoken blasting is needed.

The gray tone of the film also draws the audience closer, closer to life itself, more low-key and full of the game of distance and warmth.

The sincerity shown by the lady Nicole, who has abandoned Chinese clothes and makeup, is particularly fascinating, just like the sincerity of the movie itself. At the end, Nicole calmly sent her son onto the long-distance car bound for her father. Her son was so reluctant that she could not turn her back, but when the car drove out, Nicole suddenly turned and threw down her bag and clothes. Yelling "wait wait!!" ran to the moving bus, and finally sat back next to his son panting, complaining, you know this is not too close, it really made me breathless. Thinking of the warm song, I couldn't help smiling.

Hope will always be there, redemption and game will always be there, and life will always prove to be good, so what are tears and misunderstandings?

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Extended Reading
  • Leora 2022-03-20 09:02:29

    I really can't stand it

  • Emelie 2022-03-18 09:01:06

    Nicole's good works in recent years

Margot at the Wedding quotes

  • Margot: Stop picking on me.

  • Pauline: What was it about Dad that had us fucking so many guys?