An era of collective drug abuse-contemporary slavery calling for freedom and democracy

Tamara 2022-01-13 08:04:18

The spirit of the two epochs, the more they look, the heavier they are.

This is an era of collective drug use. Only a few people clearly know what they are doing. The frightening thing is that these few people are not the people who wake up in the iron house as Mr. Lu Xun said, but the guards outside the iron house. We, they are building their own huge empire in a very sinister way. And the people in the iron room are just sucking medicine in a cage, dreaming about their dream of freedom and democracy. Of course, they also struggle from time to time and want to wake up and see where they are, but the guards give The psychedelic potion was so good that it didn't take long for the prisoners to be occupied with all the illusions (entertainment, consumption, business...) in front of them. What's more frightening is that all people not only work madly in exchange for more hallucinogens, but also abandon their physical health and the ability to think independently. medicine! We only need medicine! As long as that can fill the boring illusion, as long as the freedom and democracy in the dream!
As a result, the weak, empty, and insecure contemporary collective sentient beings finally take shape. The guards sneered secretly hiding in the corner, and with only a dose of medicine (currency) and a few vain concepts (freedom, democracy), they could enslave the masses without any effort. They were all willing. So the contemporary slavery calling for freedom and democracy officially began.

Don't feel obsolete when you see slavery and laugh at it. This is very advanced slavery.
——Slaves in the past knew that they were slaves, and knew that their status was at a disadvantage, and that freedom and choice could not be talked about. And now the slaves think that they are free people, they think that they are independent, independent choice, and independent thinking.

——Slaves in the past were forced to be enslaved to labor, and slaves all knew that they were working for the slave owner. The slave owners were also afraid that the slaves they bought would run away, and they were strictly guarding them. But now the slave owners don’t have to bother. The door is wide open and no slaves will go out. Because the house is safer, and only a little hard work can be exchanged for currency, freedom, and democracy, and the slaves think they are themselves. It is to live for oneself and work hard for oneself; for what else to run, one step harder will make the ideal country. KAO!

——The number of slaves in the past and the number of slaves now are not the same. In the past, most of the slaves were black, but now it is globalized, no matter what your skin color, unless you were born in a super rich family, you will not escape the fate of being enslaved. The whole world is a slave owner's manor.

——Because the former slave knew that he was being oppressed, he also knew to unite and resist. But now the slaves are amazing. They don’t know who their common enemy is. Instead, they treat each other as objects of competition, supervising each other, competing with each other, and even enslaving each other. How fierce the fighting in the nest is, and how fast the internal friction is, gradually becoming weaker and weaker. The poor power and thinking ability of the slaves is negligible compared to the slave owners. What resistance is there to talk about?

OK, even if slavery is the contemporary status quo, what do you say? Maybe someone will ask.
Like the technological supremacy advocated by the film? Or is there any other way to change the status quo?
I don't know, really. I actually opened my eyes and took a look when I didn't take too much medicine, and my heart became depressed. If you don't feel like you are not slaved, congratulations, that state is also a kind of happiness.

Let’s sort out the reasons that make me uncomfortable:
Freedom is just a concept and can only be considered for the state of being enslaved; it is by no means completely free to act as some people say. It’s impossible to do whatever you want when you live. doing what. We are a part of this earth and depend on her for survival. No one says that it’s not free to go to farm, hunting and grazing, right? Because that is what we must do to survive.

So what is enslavement? In modern slavery, you may be overly dependent on some things provided to you by the slave owner (you have a clear heart), and you are willing to contribute your own strength for these, weaken your own thinking, occupy your own life, and give up The right and power to make other choices. As a result, an extremely insecure control-dependence relationship is formed. The slaves contribute more and more physical energy to the slave owner for some food that does not seem to be nutritious. This leads to further weakness and emptiness, and the slave owner is invincible. powerful. The most painful thing is: this is not physical exhaustion, but more spiritual. So there appeared modern slaves who were sound in body, but in good looks but weak in spirit.

OK, in fact, the faintly unpleasant problem is felt by everyone to some extent, but the Eight Immortals cross the sea in how to deal with it. Some people increase the dose and don't get dizzy; some stop the drug completely and are cynical; some people may be confused and difficult. . . Haha

what are you going to do? What should I do? In such an era of collective drug use, in fact, I just want to regain a little dignity of being a human being, and I just want to regain a full and ordinary heart. But God knows how hard it is.

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Extended Reading
  • Zachary 2022-04-21 09:03:02

    Major degeneration, intensified wealth concentration, social class division, technological paralysis, labor abuse. Endless wars, corruption, harsh laws, ignorant superstition, environmental destruction, tyrannical interest-oriented ruling classes.1 . quit the bank job 2. don’t watch the news 3. not be in the military 4. don’t support energy People who say that it is anti-terrorism is actually fighting against those who damage their vested interests, rejecting all new ideas that may interfere with the current system, and their natural inclination is to do everything for profit. Efficiency, durability and abundance are the enemy of profit. Building a new society with resources in command Sheep can govern themselves by rejecting others.

  • Nick 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    Seeing hope and despair at the same time

Zeitgeist: Addendum quotes

  • Narrator: So, what do we do? How do we stop a system of greed and corruption?

  • Narrator: The true terrorists of our world do not meet at the docks at midnight, or scream "Allahu Akbar" before some violent action. The true terrorists of our world wear 5000 dollar suits and work in the highest positions of finance, government and business.