Star party

Demarco 2022-05-04 06:01:02

It was the first time I watched a film with a ring screen effect. I specially connected the computer to the big TV screen to enjoy it. The effect was really shocking, and I didn't expect so many big scenes to cooperate.
The actors have nothing to say, the all-star lineup, constant excitement, look carefully, many supporting roles are regulars in Westerns, unfortunately, Eastwood is a few years late and star parties, he is missing. In addition, it must be mentioned that Debbie Reynolds' performance is very exciting, from young girls to old people, accurately showing the perseverance and optimism of western women. Her singing again in the last scene is a mixture of sadness and joy.
The film is only more than two hours long, and it is a bit hasty to tell the history of the West for more than 100 years, but I can't ask for so much, it is already very good, very good. The sad thing is that such a Western movie is one less one after all.

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Extended Reading

How the West Was Won quotes

  • Parson Alec Harvey: The laddie's health the reason you're heading west?

    Zebulon Prescott: Partly, only partly. Mostly our trouble east was rocks. I had me a farm where some years I'd raise a hundred bushels of rocks to the acre.

    Rebecca Prescott: Now, Zebulon, you hadn't oughta lie to the man like that.

    Zebulon Prescott: Wife, I'm a god fearin soul and I tell the truth as I see it. Now I never used a plow, I'd blast out the furrows with gunpowder. And then one morning, I hauled the bucket up from out of the well and so help me the bucket was full of rocks. Rocks! I just stood there, right still, tryin' not to blaspheme, and I said to myself, "You've got a son that's ailin, you've got a twenty year old daughter what won't take to herself a husband, there she sits over there, moonin as usual, and you've got another daughter who just don't seem quite right in the head". Lilith! Now, I remind you sir, I'm still standin' there, holding a bucket full of rocks, and starin into a bleak old age. So I made me a vow right then and there, I said, "If I can find a man with five hundred dollars, who likes rocks, then there's going to be another fool ownin this farm. Well sir, the Lord provided such a man, and here I am.

    Rebecca Prescott: He ain't told you one word of truth, Mr. Harvey. We had the best farm in the township.

    Zebulon Prescott: Yeah, Rockville Township it was. Stone County.

  • Zeb Rawlings: Take a good look. You wanted a war, mister, you got one. I hope you're the first man killed in it.