Lonely fist, lonely heart

Greyson 2022-01-14 08:01:37

Creators born in the 1980s should focus on the quality of life in their own time to make things. If they have a deep understanding of traditional culture, then add it to the real thing.

Theory-constructed art appears naive after its shelf life, and historical record-type reflects things other than the author. Both types of art models are not good. The best is to add time to the individual, convey the thoughts, and maintain the emotions in the text.

The essence of life is like this. At the most basic level, everyone should be the same, similar to each other. You have what everyone has. When you have a foundation and then climb up, the direction is up to you, whether it is politics, business or art.

In this chaotic and noisy world, learn to stick to yourself. Perseverance is not ignorance, but knowledge but not change, ability but not action. The price of simplicity is ignorance and ignorance, and the price of maturity is the loss of many things that should have been unchanged. The pure opportunity cost is too great to be desirable. So, as Lao Tzu said, do something and not do something. Know what you want, try to chase it, and don't regret it if you make a mistake.

This world has nothing to do with you. You are just a spectator and a critic. Stay away from the mediocre people around you, end those ridiculous interpersonal games, throw away all unnecessary feelings, go, find yourself. Leave more time for yourself, exile yourself to travel around the world, travel, read, meet different people, go to different regions, experience different civilizations, and taste delicious snacks from all over the world. This is more important than writing songs. Then you are full, lying under the stars, thinking, reminiscing, trying new types of art, and different ways of expression.

Live the life you want, live the life you like. Then tell the world what is bright and aboveboard.

I have watched a film called "Regroup". There is a line saying that the creator is like a boxer, always fighting alone. Indeed, this line of the whole movie can move me. The current Chinese literary and artistic environment is not suitable for underground bands to survive. They have worked too hard and their rights and interests are hard to be guaranteed.

I respect the spirit of underground bands, especially the extreme metal bands in China. I always pay for their demos and never download them for free. I support them with actual money, but I will not do like them.

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Extended Reading
  • Danielle 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    Every kid wants to think his father's the best, right?

  • Carmine 2022-03-15 09:01:05

    The actor resembles both Pete Bragg and Tom Cruise.

Resurrecting the Champ quotes

  • Erik Kernan Jr.: [Narrating] A writer, like a boxer, must stand alone.

  • Erik Kernan Jr.: The Jermaine story I covered. It was a good fight.

    Ralph Metz: Yeah, I buried it.

    Erik Kernan Jr.: But why?

    Ralph Metz: Something's gotta be buried.

    Erik Kernan Jr.: That's what high school wrestling's for, right?