Comedy Big Beast Meal

Nico 2022-01-14 08:01:40

For the evaluation of some cult films, I really don’t know how to express it, because this kind of film is actually not very nutritious. I like it completely because of the flying stumps and limbs that it brings us, and the sticky plasma that bursts on the ceiling. And unparalleled mental stimulation.
There are two reasons for introducing this movie. I bet another person called the "five-star cult movie god", and I bet he has never seen this movie. It’s also because this movie has always impressed me very much. Five years ago, after a certain passion dota was destroyed, I found it during the resurrection of Spring Water. After watching it for ten minutes, I felt like a treasure, so I switched back again. The base has been exploded during dota.
Regardless of the plot, this small-cost movie is still very creative in some scenes. There are constant jokes in the movie. At least I have watched so many horror movies and have not seen similar images. The novel scenes will always let us. These people with evil tastes felt their eyes shine. For example, the big boss was choked to death in the end!
A few days ago, in order to write this film review, I deliberately found out the movie and watched it again (I was very happy to find out that it was out of Beast Meal 2.3, these two films were made into comedies). To be honest, the plot of this film is indeed very general. In one sentence, it is described as "Some young people after the Western Cowboys fight against the wild man-eaters successfully escaped from the clutches of the clutches at dawn. Please see the next breakdown for details of the funeral." Nevertheless, I still want to recommend it to everyone, and you can take a look when you are bored and want to disgust yourself, because we people call this kind of behavior "rich experience."

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Extended Reading
  • Arnold 2022-03-14 14:12:26

    Bloody comedy~I like that monster~

  • Peter 2022-03-25 09:01:18

    I felt deja vu after watching the very characteristic title for a few minutes, and I found that I had seen it a long time ago. When I watched it, I didn't know that this was the legendary animal meal. This movie left a lasting impression on me.

Feast quotes

  • Honey Pie: [Re: first monster trapped and killed] Jeez, it took all that? All those bullets?

    Beer Guy: That's the LITTLE one? We can't fight these things! No way!

    Heroine: We can still fight them. We just gotta be clever.

    Coach: Maybe we don't have to fight them at all.

    Bozo: Yeah, why don't we just call 'em names.

  • Bozo: Any more ideas, Animal Planet?

    Coach: I-I was just being proactive!

    Bartender: Hey Dipshit, I didn't see you helpin' did I...

    Bozo: Oh, go douche, Grandpa!

    Beer Guy: What now?

    Tuffy: We're stuck in here, that's what.