Four-star good movie

Francisca 2022-01-11 08:02:28

Wonderful acting show, especially Jin Hunt's third interpretation of the female ape Zira, excellent interpretation of the instincts of animals (including humans), the rise of the planet of the apes and the dawn have also successfully combined the old version ( Especially the excellent point of the third part) is touched: apes do not kill apes, man’s hostility to other species (even other people), the fusion of science fiction and reality, and servility and resistance. The first half of the story is full of humor. The ape’s dress-up show, the novelty of entering the human world, and the tacit interaction between the ape couple and the monkey’s couple all make people laugh.

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Extended Reading
  • Lea 2022-03-21 09:02:47

    In addition to clearing the relationship with the second part, the relationship between the orangutan also forms a replacement and counterpoint with the first part through the reversal of time and space. The best point is that the fate of this series is officially opened. People who don't like to learn can always make new things infinitely vulgar and entertaining. People who are eager to learn are eager to take "responsibility" and are too smart. Human beings have many weaknesses.

  • Sadye 2022-03-15 09:01:05

    This sequel is smarter than the others because it throws the ape-man into the human society, and the ape-man has become a disadvantaged party.

Escape from the Planet of the Apes quotes

  • Tailor: May I measure your inside leg, sir?

    Cornelius: No.

  • Chairman of the President's Committee of Inquiry: [testing Lewis's assertion that the apes can speak] What is your name?

    Dr. Zira: Zira.

    Chairman of the President's Committee of Inquiry: One might as well be talking to a parrot.

    Dr. Zira: A parrot?

    Chairman of the President's Committee of Inquiry: What did I tell you? Mechanical mimicry. Unique in an ape, vocally, without a doubt, but... does the other one talk?

    Cornelius: Only when she lets me.