Quite disappointed~

Kennedy 2022-01-16 08:01:40

I have always liked the story of Beauty and the Beast, and I am very happy to see a new movie. However, the plot of this movie is too weak. The emotional scene between Bella and the Beast is not as much as Bella and her dad. It feels like her dad is the leading actor. But the special effects of those giants and that ruined castle are very good. Arranged a strange predecessor for the beast, and automatically told Bella the previous story. Isn't it normal for Bella to fall in love with the beast, because knowing what the beast looked like before, I feel more sympathy than love. That ex is also true, why is it all right to become a deer. But overall it's okay, after all, the special effects are good.

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Extended Reading
  • Asha 2022-03-24 09:03:16

    The style of the French version is too romantic and too romantic. The first part is boring, and the middle and later stages are a little out of control. The special effects scenes make up for the imagination. This story also tells us: as long as the innate appearance is high, the story will always move towards a better direction.

  • Christy 2022-03-21 09:02:58

    Love came too fast like a tornado, and I never saw how the love between Bell and the Beast came about. Is it only Bell's dream? The previous heroine's plot is too protracted

Beauty and the Beast quotes

  • [the Beast Catches The Merchant Taking a Rose]

    The Beast: My gifts were not enough for you? Do you also have to steal what I treasure most?

    The Merchant: I won't be treated as a thief or a coward. I am a just and honorable man!

    The Beast: Who did you pick this rose for?

    The Merchant: My youngest daughter. She is worth more than anything in the world, to me.

    The Beast: Then I will give you one day to say goodbye to your loved ones. You only need to whisper the words: "More than anything in the world," to your horse, and he will bring you here.

    The Merchant: I will not return!

    The Beast: Oh, yes you will. Otherwise, I will kill your entire family, one by one. I will kill your youngest daughter last, since she's your favorite. Remember... A life for a rose.

  • The Beast: Do you think, with patience and force of habit, you will end up loving me?

    Belle: I love you already.