Toby 2022-01-16 08:01:26

For movies about "summer vacation" (summer vacation), I have always had an inexplicable favor, especially when the destination of the trip is the seaside, such as "Lost Knowing Back", "Under the Tuscan Sun", and "Mo Negative Back then" Love> Wait. If you have to count it, "Kikujiro's Summer" may also be the case, but "Great White Shark" is not in the scope of discussion for the time being, please don't make trouble.

The relaxing atmosphere of the sea breeze blowing on the face and the waves hitting the shore can carry many different themes, which can be love or family, growth or feelings, or encounters or farewells. The various emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy appear more natural and pure under the transparency of the sea and sky.

"Holiday Surprise" adapted from the 1969 French film starring Alain Delon, Luca Guidanino set the story on the island of Pantelleria, a very Mediterranean island in Italy, and the titleThe inspiration comes from David Hockney's painting of the same name, and the tone of the film is also in line with the unexpected calm and calm expressed in the painting.

Tilda Swinton and the director have collaborated for the second time. The "old artist" who is more than half a hundred years old still exerts her transgender charm in this film, playing a David Bowie-style rock star Marianne. The tall figure is doubled with the goddess's temperament under the decoration of Dior fashion designer. In the play, the character is in a state of loss of voice recovered after the operation, and can almost only express his thoughts through actions. This not only did not limit Swinton's acting skills, but gave her the opportunity to sculpt the story-filled aphasia in details. She and her young boyfriend, film worker Paul (Matthias Schoenaerts) are enjoying the sun and sand on the island. The isolated island is like a paradise for two people, and the tranquility of the holiday is quickly taken away by a father and daughter. Suddenly the visit broke.

"Voldemort" Ralph Fiennes played Marianne's ex-boyfriend and her former partner. Music producer Harry, although he was invited by Marianne, is more like an uninvited guest to Paul. Fiennes' acting skills in the film are amazing. When we have become accustomed to the diversity of his roles, he can still surprise the audience with a mad and free but authentic performance. Although the acting skills of the four protagonists in this film are remarkable, even the least acting, Dakota Johnson, who plays his daughter Penelope, has made great progress compared with the acting skills in "Fifty Shades of Grey", but Fiennes is after all It was Fiennes, the cynicism between gestures and the absurdity of laughter and curse almost easily snatched the limelight from the other three.

The original two-person world ushered in two intruders, so the pairwise arrangement and combination relationship between the four became dangerous and sexy (like the hidden symbolic meaning of the snake that appeared repeatedly): one looks so glamorous A couple who can conceal a middle-age crisis, a pair of ambiguous fathers and daughters, a pair of old loves that are still in love, and a pair of new lovers who are ready to move. As time went on, ambiguity and temptation continued to pile up, and jealousy and suspicion accumulated. Finally, the tension between the four broke the limit, and tragedy happened.

It can be said that Paul's uprightness is the main reason for the tragedy. It can also be said that Harry's ego and greed made him take the blame. Even Marianne, who seems to be in a passive position, can hardly be blamed for her indulgence and catering. Until the end, the murderer was not brought to justice. Maybe the director wanted to express through this arrangement, just like Harry’s sentence: "We're all obscene. Everyone's obscene."

Maybe everyone is nasty, This is due to human nature. What's interesting is that for such a cruel fact, everyone relates to it in different ways. Some people choose to hug, just like Harry, a larger than life character; some people choose to sit on the sidelines, just like Penelope, even if they speak fluent Italian, they still choose to stay out of the matter; others choose to ignore it, just like the Italian police officer, at the end of the film The sentence "You (are) very nice people." combined with the tears of Marianne's long-repressed emotions releases, there is no lack of irony and helplessness.

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Extended Reading
  • Mabelle 2022-03-18 09:01:06

    Killing is like a wedding banquet on this boring holiday. The blood in the swimming pool has just become the seasoning salt of European society. The authorities waved their knife and fork to feast on the refugee problem. Putting a bite mark of the right size on my shoulder, rubbing a jealous affection wound on his naked waist, it will live up to the ambiguous passion that is surging on this island. Who is the cesarean fish, who is the snake driven out, and who is the gecko that falls out of time? Why should we die together, you and I are not even white.

  • Felicia 2022-03-23 09:03:00

    Very good ah very good. The shooting method emphasizes horror and suspicion, and the experimental push shots are simple and rude. Great ending my star! Aphasia person, aphasia environment, just want to have a quiet and comfortable bumpy true love, an old lover who never forgets, a dangerous and mysterious little bitch from afar, I like it very much. The quarrel by the swimming pool is really cool, the two men have the same lines and learn to speak, but what her she refers to is both clear and ambiguous, you don't seem to know who they are arguing about, why are two men arguing for a woman at the same time , but also fight for another woman. What a fucking and fun quad! The four-player version of the poster was well received, but the Italian poster was eccentric, perverse and lively, and also had a heart. Voldemort's most lost life experience, long live the great Slytherin.

A Bigger Splash quotes

  • Paul De Smedt: Harry, come on, that's a grave.

    Harry Hawkes: Yeah, well, Europe is a grave.

  • Harry Hawkes: [on Marianne] She's the woman of the century. And I'm talking about her soul now.