The meaning of existence

Uriah 2021-12-30 17:17:20

Have you asked yourself what is the meaning of existence? Strong people will say, in order to protect those who are weaker than me. Maybe everyone will say forget it, who can be so noble. But until you don't realize that you are weak, that is, who didn't dream of a hero when you were young. After adulthood, we, who have become stronger, feel that we are weaker and smaller and need to be protected by others, and become more insecure and inexistent. Why? Simon was originally defined as the weak, but he left a tall figure in everyone's heart. Because he firmly believed that it was meaningful for God to give him a smaller body and confirmed this. So what is the meaning of my existence?

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Extended Reading
  • Jess 2022-03-27 09:01:15

    Three and a half. PS: I was so surprised to see Jim Carrey at the beginning

  • Danielle 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    vulgar is vulgar, but very loving

Simon Birch quotes

  • Adult Joe Wenteworth: When someone you love dies, you don't lose them all at once. You lose them in pieces over time, like how the mail stops coming. What I remember most to this day was my mother's scent and how I hated it when it began to disappear. First from her closets, then from her dresses she had sewn herself and then finally from her bedsheets and pillow cases. Simon and I never talked much about that day on the baseball field. It was too painful for both of us. For as much as I loved my mother, I knew that Simon loved her just as much. She was the only real mother he ever had.

  • Joe: Jesus, Simon, you look like shit.