The original sin of loneliness

Cindy 2022-01-13 08:04:15

Lonely people are lonely because they enjoy loneliness. Most of us thought we were so afraid of loneliness and desperately to make our lives lively, but our exhausted hearts betrayed ourselves. How terrible is loneliness, once you get used to loneliness, you fall deeply into it, until you sell your soul to it. Whether it is pain or numbness, people tend to be abused. I tortured myself and couldn't extricate myself, until I perished only a huge wreckage. I still think in my head that no one in the world can understand me, who can empathize with me. There is no one, the male protagonist loves himself more. Those who love themselves cannot love others, love themselves to the point of self-pity. When love becomes deep, it turns into hate, hating oneself for powerlessness. Take a look, it's still yourself. So like a male protagonist, you can’t love and live normally. Of course, the male protagonist lives too clearly and is unwilling to compromise. However, it is not always necessary to understand or not to understand. In contrast, most people in the world are not alive like male protagonists. They work along the track, fall in love, marry, and have children live happily. This is also a kind of understanding. What kind of lifestyle you choose, you have to pay the price. Perhaps what moved us in the movie is that it has been too long since I had pity for ourselves. Think about my many dissatisfactions, dark days, how lonely I am not known to the world. Finally found resonance here, pity myself through the movie.

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Extended Reading
  • Yessenia 2022-03-27 09:01:15

    Ermark is really a super powerful director, and the emotional scenes are delicately shot. Lies woven for love are like hymns to the soul. The heroine laughs like Marion Cotillard~

  • Lue 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    Some loneliness is born with it, and no one can dispel it.

Alone quotes

  • Alper: Ada, I've been through a lot. I've wasted a lot of things. Myself, life, everything. I won't get improved. I'm living with a virus in my veins. I don't want to be a part of anybody's life. And i don't want anybody to be a part of my life. This is me. This is who i was, this is who i'm going to be. There is no reason for this, so don't look for any. I wish there was, I wish I knew that reason and could change it. But I want you to know this: You were the most beautiful thing in my life. Do not forget that.

  • Sinem: Ada, have you fallen in love?

    Ada: - Don't be ridiculous.

    Sinem: - You have.

    Ada: Look, I said no, didn't I? Are you off your head?

    Sinem: Well, what else would you say?