
Adonis 2022-01-13 08:01:55

The most abstract movie in Kurosawa's late period! The first paragraph of the fox marrying a daughter symbolizes the primitive worship of mankind to nature. The second paragraph of the peach blossom fairy symbolizes the symbiotic relationship between man and nature. The commander in the third paragraph symbolizes the devastation of the war to the human heart. The fourth stage of climbing is a symbol of nature's redemptive grace for man. The fifth horned monster satirizes human nature's greed. The sixth paragraph, Van Gogh, symbolizes the pursuit of beauty in nature. The seventh stage of the nuclear power plant hints at the future of mankind.
"Dream", the master Kurosawa's ultimate aesthetics and warnings, is a film worthy of praise. Fox rain marrying daughters, peach blossom dancers, brave climbers, officers returning from tiredness, drifting away from Van Gogh, nuclear power finally exploded, the devil is also afraid of death, and intoxicated in natural villages. All dreams use harsh aesthetics to tell the universal laws and warn the world. . Xiaogu follows, the gong horns, and a person's life is naturally very short. If you have a note to see you off, you will win the respect of nature.

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Extended Reading
  • Wayne 2022-03-14 14:12:26

    I have had a lot of dreams. It's probably this kind of artistic conception. I really like this kind of film.

  • Fern 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    Some places are quite artificial, the setting, recording, lighting, the stage show is too strong, such a good picture, or four stars.

Dreams quotes

  • [first lines]

    Mother of 'I': You're staying home. The sun is shining but it's raining.

  • Vincent Van Gogh: A scene that looks like a painting doesn't make a painting. If you look closely, all of nature has its beauty.