"The Land of Drug Trafficking": the collapse of order, the reincarnation of violence

Peter 2022-01-17 08:01:46


In the southern state of Arizona, on the border between the United States and Mexico, there is an area called the "drug corridor" through which armed drug lords traffic drugs manufactured in Mexico to the United States. In the face of these drug lords, on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border, there was an old man who called on his compatriots to take up arms and form alliances to fight against this organized crime. However, the fate of them and their allies was completely clear. different.

(The above is from Baidu Encyclopedia)

The first old man, the first voice

1. The dilemma of Jose Mireles

Jose Mireles is a natural leader: determined, calm, and good at planning.

In the war against drug dealers, thanks to his savvy strategy of uniting the people and step by step, the largest drug lord organization entrenched in the local area has been declining.

He is also a romantic hero:

Facing the panic and unknowing the crowd, his words are concise and powerful but contain passion and motivation, no one is uninspired and unmoved;

In the face of an inaction government and brutal drug lords, he disregarded self-interest, fearlessly, and rebuilt the unbalanced order with his own power;

It is easy to imagine that Jose Mireles is undoubtedly a savior for most of the people he rescued from the drug lord. He is a mortal hero, but he was invited to the altar, although this character has many other problems:

For example, romantic (in the end, the wife is scattered, and therefore loses fighting spirit).

For example, they are not versed in tactics (too credulously believe in their authority over their subordinates, and eventually be betrayed and deeply trapped).

Jose Mireles may never know that this war he initiated himself had no chance of winning from the beginning.

The government and the drug lords are in conflict:

The public's aversion to the escalation of violence:

Corruption and apostasy within the organization:

Violence is the only way to be prone to violence. He leads people to choose to pick up guns and ignore the law. There is no other way but violence is the most uncontrollable evil. Once started, it is difficult to stop. And what comes with violence is bound to be another destruction of order. On the new throne, power has already turned the good people into a pack of wolves;

What's more, at the time of the change of power, the smell of blood is no longer the righteous man who had to take up the gun to defend his homeland. The forces from all sides have already rushed in, waiting for the opportunity, and eyeing.

The problem with Mexico is that it is too far from heaven and too close to the United States;

The problem with Jose Mireles is that he thinks he and the rebel organization he leads are very close to justice and far away from evil.

However, any so-called correctness in the world will deteriorate.

When he acquiesced or even encouraged the execution of drug dealers under his lynchings, when he had no worries about getting a lot of aid to the resistance organization, when he turned a blind eye to the apparently magnified anxiety of the people, the root of the collapse had already been quietly planted.

Second old man, second voice

Three, Nailer's persistence

The world of life is just like in the movie "Old Nowhere": withered and decayed.

But Nailer’s fortunate thing is that he doesn’t have to act under extreme violence, he doesn’t have to build an organization that is too large to control to fight against, and he doesn’t have to bear the criticisms as big as Jose Mireles (although he has never been criticized. Intermittent);

Nailer is not as charismatic as Jose Mireles: unsmiling, speaking slowly, with a stern face at all times. But he abides by the rules and never crosses boundaries. The justice he respects is only in his own body:

"Everyone in the world wants to make a difference. They are just like me. They are tired, tired of sitting, tired of waiting, they are tired of no one, so they do it themselves. Law, this cycle should stop, you just want to change them.

I left home because of my father's physical and psychological abuse to me. But at some point, he finally met my daughters, and he praised me and said, hey, they are all good kids, they are well-mannered, they are smart, they can talk about things like that. I told him, I want to thank him, because everything he did to me, I did the opposite.

So cycles can be changed, but someone needs to change them.

But we are caught in a vicious circle, where no one wants to change. When they started talking, they could change, but they didn't do anything.

They repeated the same thing, except with strange eyes. "

Third voice


"Life is not good or bad, it's all up to you whether it's good or bad."

In the movie "Drug Land", below the two story lines that are cross-edited, the audience sees Jose Mireles as brave and as lonely as Nailer.

They are lone heroes outside the order, but they are different: Nailer picked up the gun to win the return of order, and Jose Mireles picked up the gun to win the rotation of order.

They are also disputed by the world beyond the border, and they are equally unmoved and insist on their own opinions. However, at the end of the story, the fate of the two people has long been different.

Who can blame Jose Mireles for his fault? He is able to fight against the violent order of drug lord, but he is unable to change the country’s ruling order, even if such an order is based on the distress of the people; even the Americans say, “Mexico is like Colombia before.” Yes, Colombia— -There used to be the most notorious drug dealer groups in the world: the Medellin drug cartel and the Cali drug cartel. They burned, killed, looted, committed all evils, were wealthy to the enemy, and the police and the government took everything.

The most ironic thing is that the rebels became the spokesperson of the government, and then they transformed into drug lord. However, the logic in this is no longer familiar: Violence is the best weapon, but who is using them? Renegades, the government, other drug lord organizations that have grown bigger in response to the situation?

The acquisition of power is the primary issue, but more critical is the distribution of power. Where power is, the crows in the world are generally black.

Let's look at Nailer again.

He has never obtained the power of Jose Mireles. There are two reasons: I can’t, I don’t want to.

It can't be simple. Although suffering from drug lords as well, the country he lives in does not allow another order of open confrontation. His violent border is self-defense, not resistance.

In no mood. It can be seen from the conversation in the camera that Nailer is a more moderate idealist than Jose Mireles. He never pretends to be a leader, lacks ambition, but is more caring for people.

When he lamented the fate of Jose Mireles, perhaps he also thought that even if they had made the same choice, they had a different ending because they were different people.

The Mexico that made Jose Mireles makes people see no hope. Therefore, under the mutual reflection, his ending is particularly bleak: in the violent reincarnation and replacement, all the good people are struggling in vain.

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Extended Reading
  • Cheyenne 2022-03-21 09:02:59

    The charisma of a leader

  • Lola 2022-04-22 07:01:47

    This world cannot be without its evil side, a pure and beautiful world exists only in imagination

Cartel Land quotes

  • Timothy Foley: I believe what I am doing is good. And I believe what I'm standing up against is evil.

  • José Manuel 'El Doctor' Mireles: Look, we can escape the Templars. But you cannot escape the government.