Leon said that he had never expected to be saved by a licker, and I want to say, so am I.

Kaia 2022-01-16 08:01:03

The texture of the animation of Resident Evil is still superb. If it's not that the hair is too smooth, and the movements are occasionally stiff, it's more jumpy, otherwise the live-action version will be stress-free.

Let me tell you about this movie from the perspective of a beautiful East Slavic female president: This female president Svetlana Berikova is very good, beautiful, decisive, highly disciplined, and extraordinary, and she has become a young president. Became the president, and was the first female president of East Slavia. After she took office, she had given out an olive branch to the rebels that opposed capitalism and advocated independence, and ushered in a short peace. Unexpectedly, the director had discovered abundant resources in the rebel region in order to hack her, so the government and the rebels again The war is on. In order to fight the government, the rebel army has used biological and chemical weapons, and the zombies of the rebel army can obey the command, which is too powerful. Of course, the female president is not to be left behind. She has also secretly developed biological and chemical weapons. Our female president is so powerful. The zombie tyrant she developed is of course even more powerful. Not only is tall and strong, but also looks handsome. She wears a long uniform and more importantly, her actions. Flexible, resistant to fights, and powerful.

In fact, the female president has always had a simple dream. She hopes that one day East Slavia will no longer have civil war, one day East Slavia can join the European Union, and East Slavia can have a voice in the international community. Therefore, BSAA (Biochemical Terrorism Security Assessment Alliance) When sending people to investigate the abuse of biological and chemical weapons in East Slavia, she was very happy and received it personally, because this meant that East Slavia was valued internationally. But, it’s King Ada, so angry, King Ada’s fake is still reasonable, and I dare to act first. Fortunately, the beautiful president is so good that he beats King Ada. King Ada even hangs on the female president in the middle. The knife on the wall came to hit, but unfortunately, she couldn't beat the female president. Not only did they easily take the knife away, they also scratched King Ada's bra.

In the final fight, Lyon and JD, the small leader of the rebel army, fight the tyrant together. Lyon is a poor little one, the bullets are all shot, and the tyrant has no fluctuations. It depends on JD who does not know where to get the tank, and also uses his ability to control the licker, and finally the licker goes forward and is not afraid of death. With the help of sacrifice, Leon and Leon finally killed a tyrant. When the two were tired and paralyzed, two more tyrants came. It depends on the airstrikes sent by the US government to win Hew.

Leading an army of lickers to war is very handsome!

Subduing a tyrant, taller than a truck

King Ada was beaten up and down

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Extended Reading
  • Rosalinda 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    The game feels strong, and the settings are simple and rude. Part of the details are not rendered enough, and for the uninspired audience of the game, it is somewhat tasteless.

  • Cathryn 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    The guerrilla captain is so touching

Resident Evil: Damnation quotes

  • Ada Wong: Amateurs. They didn't even give me a pat-down.

  • Buddy: The American and the Russians had us in the palm of their hands from the beginning.

    Leon S. Kennedy: That's what it looks like.

    Buddy: Did you know about this?

    Leon S. Kennedy: No. If I did, I'd still be enjoying my vacation.