Collection of some information about the political situation in Brazil

Camylle 2022-01-18 08:01:56

It only collects various information and opinions, and does not represent my attitude.

"South American Trump" comes to power, Brazil's coup is imminent! -Short-legged articles on stilts-Zhihu

Brazilian people irrational, shouting "We welcome dictatorship" - Jiang Ping Zhou's article - know almost

The mystery of Brazil’s recession: the sudden collapse of a "BRIC country" (recommended reading)-Huang Shuyang's article-Know almost

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Extended Reading
  • Bethany 2022-04-21 09:03:08

    I can't watch it anymore, I give up after 40 minutes, my wife is bored, and I have a running account.

  • Renee 2022-03-28 09:01:11

The Edge of Democracy quotes

  • Petra Costa: The fact that there is no evidence that he's the owner of the apartment is considered proof of his attempt to hide it, and this proof is used as evidence that he's the mastermind of the scheme.

  • Petra Costa: The fact is that, during the years that my parents were in hiding, when their friends were being tortured and killed, were the years that the construction company my grandfather co-founded... most grew. I see that the story of this crisis, of this wall, runs directly through my family. On one side it's the story of the establishment that my grandparents were part of. On the other, it's the story of my parents and the left they dreamt of, and which is crumbling. But it's also the story of a broken country that we're inheriting.