Center left

Alvena 2022-01-19 08:01:06

Zetian said that since Hammurabi established Babylon, the city has been indifferent.
Black said that it was Nebuchadnezzar II who founded Babylon.

The city is indifferent.
Cities are monsters created by the hybridization of transportation, politics, and money.
And all we can do is carry out some trivial betrayals in this perverted city.
The bus that doesn't stop toward the station is better than the middle finger.
Sneer at the nonsense politicians on TV.
Study the truth about history.
Listen to NIRVANA.
These insignificant little betrayals are just a small explanation for the left-center self.

Yankee's retribution is coming soon.

Matsumoto Daiyo's "Tianjin Club" was accidentally read in the library when he was in high school. He also cut out the white colored manuscript and pasted it on his desk, but it was a pity that he was not able to take him away after moving.
Bai's voice actor is Yu Aoi.

"This is a member of the Earth Star Japan National White"
"Please answer"
"I have protected the peace of this planet today"
"Please answer"
"This planet is very peaceful" "
Let’s go. The call is over."
"Relief, peace of mind."

Black to white said that people will not die so easily.

it is true.

When they asked me, "Why do you want to live," I could only laugh it off.
Because I don't know how to say, "Why don't you die?"
In fact, "why do you want to live" and "why not die" are the same contradiction.
People who worry about this type of problem are either too easy to live or too sensational.
Let's get rid of his depression, all of them are obviously normal.

People will not die so easily. Because what people are best at is to steal their lives.

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Extended Reading
  • Haylie 2022-03-25 09:01:19

    In the end, the content is a bit anticlimactic, but the production still has to give five stars.

  • Theresa 2022-03-25 09:01:19

    The picture is super beautiful and a good work with content, I haven't been shocked by the animation for a long time (the last time was Akira)

Tekkonkinkreet quotes

  • Shiro: This whole city's going to burn.

  • Shiro: [opening lines] Paper money is bigger than metal money. Nine comes after eight. And Spring comes after winter, right, Black? Is that right? Black, when the sky turns black why do I feel so blue?