The painting style is very restored to the two-dimensional version, but it is still a pity

Sincere 2022-01-18 08:01:49

I would like to call this a fan movie.

The inner core of SpongeBob has been lost from beginning to end. SpongeBob is definitely not such a vulgar preaching story. Its anti-routine and deconstructive nonsensical humor are the core of its comedy. Rather than confessing each other in the "we are family" style, it completely violates the role and personality that have been deeply rooted in the past.

Not to mention the main storyline of its big adventure, it is not as interesting and fit the original as the "SpongeBob SquarePants Adventure".

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Extended Reading
  • Lola 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    The CG picture is quite exquisite, the expression method continues, and the animation deliberately makes a sense of frame drop. I don't like the real part very much, and it dropped the frame instantly. ★★☆/5.2

  • Brandt 2022-04-22 07:01:48

    SpongeBob SquarePants is the kindest person I've ever met, the chosen one. I want to be friends with SpongeBob too!

The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run quotes

  • [Young Patrick sits on a log by himself, sobbing. Young SpongeBob walks up to him]

    Young SpongeBob: Hi, my name's...

    [Patrick bawls. Tears gush out of his eyes. He topples off the log]

    Young SpongeBob: Hi, my name's...

    [Patrick bawls even harder. A blast of tears shoots out and sends SpongeBob flying backwards. SpongeBob recovers and quickly shields himself]

    Young SpongeBob: Hi, my name is SpongeBob, what's your name?

    Young Patrick: I'm... Pa-Pa-Patrick. Waaaahhh!

    Young SpongeBob: Why are you crying, Pa-Pa-Patrick?

    Young Patrick: I'm homesick.

    [He clambers back onto the log and continues sobbing]

    Young SpongeBob: Well, that's a pretty good reason.

    [He jumps onto the log and sits next to Patrick]

    Young SpongeBob: Maybe all you need is a friend.

    Young Patrick: WAAAAHHH! I don't have any friends!

    Young SpongeBob: Well, you've got one now!

    Young Patrick: Really?

    [He picks up SpongeBob to see where this friend the sponge mentioned is]

    Young Patrick: Who is it?

    Young SpongeBob: It's me!

    Young Patrick: You mean it?

    Young SpongeBob: Of course!

  • Otto: I have a gambling problem.