The body is also a representational world that is unreliable and not of its own nature

Nestor 2022-01-19 08:01:22


"The body is also part of the representational world. It is unreliable and not the essence of its own."

Anything we see, people, objects, air...including our own body is just the representational world in our fantasy. The representational world is not Reliable, variable, and not fixed. For example, you may think that your body is beautiful. People cast envy, jealousy, and praise. But in fact, your body may be ugly and people cast it. His eyes are likely to be contempt, disgust, and disgusting. The words of praise to you are actually ironic, cursing, and your trusted friends may actually be hurting you everywhere. You think the real world you see is just yours. It's just an illusion that the brain wants to see.

We have heard all kinds of legends about superpowers, such as bending a spoon or moving a cup just by imagination. Generally speaking, there are two explanations for this.

The first explanation is that what you see is an imaginary illusion made by your brain, and you usually want the spoon to bend out of thin air, but you can’t. This is because you know from the previous world of appearance that this is impossible. So your brain refuses to accept this new illusion, but after a long period of contemplation, your brain slowly accepts this illusion, so as long as you think about it in the future, what you see will be that the spoon folds immediately. Bend, but in fact it is not like this.

The second explanation, because all the real world you see is the representational world created by you, so of course you want to make the real world look like it will become what it is, you let the spoon bend it out of thin air. When you’re bent, what other people see is also bent, because they were also created by you. From another meaning, when you don’t want to create this world, this world will disappear. Probably this is the meaning of “death”. When you die, your brain stops functioning as you imagine. Then the representational world you created before, such as your parents, relatives, friends and enemies, what you have and lost, originally existed because of your existence, and because of your Disappeared and disappeared.

It's as if it didn't exist.

"You and I are nothing more than illusions and misty sights through a mirror"


"Top of the evolutionary tree of species: humans"

Generally speaking, this means: "top of the evolutionary tree of physicality: human-shaped body".

How can human beings evolve?

Our body has brought us all kinds of conveniences. It is this kind of convenience that brings human development and prosperity beyond all living things, but it also brings all kinds of imprisonment. It is this kind of imprisonment that limits the further evolution of mankind.

This kind of confinement is the illusion that our body feeds back to the brain, that is, happiness and pain, happiness such as food, sex, money, power, illusion freedom, etc., pain is pain, torture, loneliness, pressure, exclusion, etc., rarely Some people can get rid of this illusion, and once they get rid of it, they immediately become Buddhas. Just as the Buddha said: Buddha, feel it! All sentient beings have the wisdom and virtues of the Tathagata, but due to delusions and attachments, they cannot achieve the wisdom and virtues of the Tathagata.

From this point of view, I think Buddhism is the most advanced and powerful among all religions in the world. There is only one Western religion, whether it is "God" or "Almighty Lord". It was founded in India in my country. Carry forward the great Buddhism, but the Dharma says: Everyone can become a Buddha. In other words, there are 1.3 billion Gods in our country!

The brain that grows on the neck is a part of the body. Its development is why we are ahead of other animals. For example, our brain provides more space for storing memories. But because the brain resides in the individual's body, it has a kind of "self" consciousness. This kind of "self" consciousness is a manifestation of one's selfishness. The more a person pursues freedom, the more confined in his "self".

And when our consciousness, or memory, or soul in layman's terms, leaves our body, abandons "self" and exists independently, it is the beginning of further human evolution. At this time, he is not a human being, but a "god" or "Buddha"!

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Extended Reading
  • Harley 2022-03-21 09:03:03

    3D may be better than the earlier version, but the picture is not as beautiful as it was before; the element is even more ugly than ever! I...I...I'm angry...

  • Sandy 2022-03-27 09:01:18

    This 3D effect is a little embarrassing in 2008, but the picture after re-coloring looks more comfortable than the 95 version. Motoko and the puppet master have achieved great harmony in life together... Lily defeated BG like this, why didn't I find out until today?

Ghost in the Shell 2.0 quotes

  • Batou: Chief, you ever question the ethics of the neurosurgeons who monkey around inside your brain?

    Section 9 Department Chief Aramaki: They undergo psychiatric evaluations, especially those in security. They're subjected to a stringent screening of their personal lives. Of course, the ones who check are only human.

    Batou: I guess once you start doubting, there's no end to it.

  • Batou: Get out of the fucking way!