During the Lunar New Year period, the table full of banquets is a more delicious dish.

Frances 2022-01-19 08:01:23

Leehom Wang did not follow when "Little Soldier" was promoted in Guangzhou. The main creative team who came to promote basically surrounded Jackie Chan with a smile on his face, quietly listening to the media's questions and Jackie Chan's answers one by one. Questions are sometimes thrown on the director, but the director is still not a big name. He humbly brings the topic back to Jackie Chan with a few words. So it gives me the feeling that Jackie Chan is singing a solo role in this drama.

I watched the video today, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that this is not the case.
I don't think Jackie Chan has many films, and almost none of the previous martial arts films have been involved. The last one I watched was probably "Baby Project". It is really impractical to compare his other films horizontally, so the content below is strangled in this movie.

The "big", "little" and "soldier" and "general" in "Little Soldier" actually give people a sense of misplacement. Jackie Chan is willing to condescend to be a small person, but he can't thoroughly carry the small person to the end. One is that he used "big" in front of "bing". On the one hand, it may be because of his age. On the other hand, it is not difficult to see that there is actually a metaphor for how his status is higher than Wang Leehom. The second is that the little man's desire for peace and his actions to maintain peace really make the image of this little man taller. Therefore, although he is playing a small person, in essence, the role played by Jackie Chan has not completely eluted his "big brother" image.

Leehom Wang, who was previously reported to be at odds with Jackie Chan, has a very good performance in the film-of course it may be that my expectations are not high. He has enough roles to compete against Jackie Chan. However, the handsome face has been turned dirty from beginning to end, but the dignity and spine exuding from the inside out are not concealed by makeup. The expression and eyes are all right. Even the martial arts movements are also very good: Wang Leehom is left-handed, but in the movie he uses his right hand to fight Jackie Chan. Jackie Chan revealed in the promotion that Wang Leehom uses his right hand flexibly and will practice in the room every day in his free time with his palms raised. Blisters, very diligent. A hard work and a harvest, his fighting performance is pretty good.

Contrary to Wang Leehom, Jackie Chan's fight scenes in this movie are significantly reduced compared to previous movies. The fight with Leehom Wang was mainly based on humorous concessions, and basically did not take the initiative to attack. In order not to fight to death on the battlefield, he also has unique pretending to be dead props. I won't disclose it here. In short, his performance made the film humorous and funny. After the film was played, there were still people who looked at the film reluctantly and laughed at the screen of NG.

The main line chosen for the video is also unique. War films like this usually focus on the story of the fight for the throne between older brothers and younger brothers, but this film specifically selects a story between a soldier of a certain country and the prince of that country. The big desire to defend peace and oppose war is scattered all the time in the little details of these little people. So even if there is not too much female sex or too many love clues in this drama, it can let people watch this more than an hour with peace of mind and intoxication.

In addition, there are also Liu Chengjun, who was very popular in Korea before but had to leave Korea to develop elsewhere because of military service incidents, and Wang Baoqiang who hung up after showing his face in the play and causing the audience to burst into laughter. These characters all add to the film a lot. While weakening Jackie Chan's dominant position, it also strengthened the integrity and observability of the play.

Because there is not much expectation for this year's New Year stalls (and certainly not without hope), "Little Soldier" is estimated to be the more palatable dish among the food that the audience at the New Year stalls hungry for the show, so I would like to give everyone a strong push. .

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Extended Reading

Little Big Soldier quotes

  • the General: So tell me, what's your type? Slutty or learned?

    The Soldier: I prefer someone honest. A learned one is fine. She can teach me to read.

  • The Soldier: [to his bound captive] You know, when I was little, I caught a wild boar. My father set it free. Do you know why? It was pregnant. Are you pregnant?