
Leanna 2022-01-17 08:02:41

Apart from uniting India and vigorously propagating Buddhism, what else happened to the famous Ashoka in Indian history? This made me very curious, especially when someone said that he had an emotional entanglement with a woman, the little gossip and curious thoughts in my heart were mobilized, so I wanted to take a look.
In fact, it is conceivable that this film must be a joking version of the wild history of Ashoka. In principle, it will definitely not make the Ashoka in the movie have a big difference, but it definitely adds a lot of imagination.
When Prince Asoka bluntly stated that he wanted to be a king, I knew that this was only the first person, he was just like a simple child, he wanted what he wanted. Faced with the threat of multiple assassinations by his brothers, Prince Ashoka’s mother let her son go by sitting in a quiet way.
He is indeed a filial son.
To be honest, what will happen to him after he leaves, he is looking forward to some thrilling and interesting experiences. I don't want him to see a beautiful and sexy woman in red being flashed up, I know that a clichéd love story is about to be staged.
The prince who runs away is worthy of the princess, and he is quite right. The prince concealing his identity is a necessary part of promoting the development of the plot. The separation of the princess and the prince can be imagined, but how do they get together again? This is what I am more concerned about when watching the film.
Asoka, who thought that the other party was dead, was ashamed. After marrying the daughter of a Buddhist, he seemed to have hope for life gradually. Even if there is no love, marrying a kind and beautiful girl is a kind of comfort to life.
The singing part in Indian movies is very interesting. It reflects the characteristics of Indian culture. When I watch it, it feels like I am going back to the legend of the White Snake when I was a child.
Later, Ashoka's mother died. The brutality in his heart was aroused. He killed his brothers, kept fighting, and constantly seeking victory. Finally, he finally met his beloved Princess Kara on the battlefield full of floating corpses.
When Ashoka looked for Kara with hopeful joy and guilt intertwined, I felt very sad and entangled, and I hoped that the woman who fell on the ground would not wake up again and let him live with regret for life. But the film is definitely going to meet the male and female protagonists, but Carla's brother Aka is still dead.
It is a pity in my heart that the film does not describe the heroine's future life. I am curious about what life choices she will make. Will she return to Ashoka? The man willing to be the man who killed the people of his country, even if he already regrets it.
Instead of going back to him? Where should she go.
The focus of the film is still to reflect some history, so several times deliberately show the scenes of the Buddha, Ashoka married the daughter of a Buddhist, and the faltering monk appeared at the end of the film. These are all obvious images.
These are footnotes to the origins of Buddhism and Ashoka.
Generally speaking, the protagonist is beautiful, the plot is good, the soundtrack is very modern, the scene is not grand, the epic is not called, it is just a historical movie.

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  • Annetta 2022-03-28 09:01:11

    How can it be like this when we say goodbye

  • Otto 2022-04-21 09:03:05

    The first Indian movie I watched! ! pretty good~~