Cat is a world language

Mariela 2022-01-18 08:01:46

I can't remember where I learned about this film. It seems to be mentioned in a push article on an official account. Japan also has seen before the cat Story (total of five), the partial nature of science in Europe and America who shot meow star who encyclopedia / CATS 101 .

CATS 101 focuses on introducing cat breeds and their living habits, so that adopters can choose suitable breeds according to their own home conditions. I really have to say that the mechanism for adopting pets abroad is relatively mature and standardized, and there are professional cat breeders. , As long as you find a reliable breeder, you don’t have to worry about the impure or unhealthy cat breeds you adopt. These are all guaranteed. The breeders also need their own reputation to run this business. In addition, families interested in adopting need to fill out an application form with all the details, such as how many children the family has, their age, whether they have any allergies, and whether the family has other pets (individual Wang Xing people may not agree with me). Friendly question), family housing area... In short, the more detailed the more the breeder can help you find suitable cats to adopt (for example, some people are engaged in writing or design work and need a quiet environment, so they are not suitable for raising some It’s a lively cat.) It seems to be a long way off here. I want to say that the documentary of cats is just like that, but this documentary that combines travel city culture and tells the story of cats and locals really makes me like it. , Refreshing. I really hope there are more films like this.

I like this film not only because the subject is cats, but Istanbul is also my favorite city. The houses with red bricks, red tiles and red walls are piled together in rows, matched with the blue sky without a trace of clouds... Aerial shot Pulling it up, I feel that the whole person's eyes are bright.


The cats in Istanbul are very free. The beginning of the film will give you this feeling. They wander around the hawker stalls and markets at will, go to the port from time to time, and occasionally fight for food (fish) with seagulls, and ships enter the port. I'm very excited, I always like to go to the fish stall to steal fish or hang out (waiting for the opportunity to steal the fish) (⊙o⊙) Fishmongers will not blame it when they find it, their eyes are full of doting and waving their hands as a symbolic sign to leave, some Some small fish will be reserved for these cats.

The cats there are all raised freely. They are not raised by a certain household alone. They are also like the residents of Istanbul. They are familiar with every corner of the city. Wherever they can ask for food, they will let them go when they hang out. The people who come and go stroke their hair and touch their heads, all docile. Residents also know these cats well. Which cat has a litter of cubs and will actively feed the cubs with a bottle. Which cat is strictly governed by his wife. When his wife comes out, the male cat will shrink and eat tremblingly, ha Ha ha.

"Enjoy the world from the perspective of love, and feel the beauty of the world. You will fall in love with this world with cats, birds, and flowers." I am especially impressed by this line of the film. The reason why human beings are confused, sometimes It’s because you pay too much attention to yourself. Paying more attention to and caring about things around you will have different feelings and inspirations. "Anyone who can love cats can also love others well"

| 120 Lira

It's definitely the "God of Wealth".

This uncle "Instant Noodle" with curly hair, in the film he shared the story of himself and the cat, it sounds very legendary and mysterious, although I am not a superstitious person, but I believe in this kind of reincarnation, "I once lost , Will eventually return in another form..."

Uncle has a boat on which he makes a living. After a storm, the boat was destroyed... Uncle was very frustrated and used all his remaining savings to buy a new boat. Unexpectedly, he encountered extreme weather later and the boat went down again. Now...Σ( ° △ °|||)︴ Seeing this, I can feel the despair in my uncle’s heart through the screen. Just as he was walking helplessly on the shore, a kitten appeared in front of him. He also pointed his paw to a wallet on the ground (signing to the uncle to pick it up...) There was exactly 120 lire in the wallet! "This is exactly the number of ships I bought at the beginning!" The uncle himself cried out unbelievably. Since then, the uncle has become a cat slave, and the cat in the photo is the one that originally referred to the wallet.

| Domineering Sheriff Meow

The two sheriffs are husband and wife, and Jumi is the "little three"

"She is combative and has a strong personality." These are the sheriff's female cats described by the residents of Isdanbul. "She doesn't even let her husband go out alone..." When feeding and eating, we always let the wife eat first. If we eat together, we will timidly shrink and eat the outer circle of cat food ( ̄▽ ̄)/Seeing here is really distressed for the male cat... Strolling around and encountering my husband and the orange cat together, I will get angry and start fighting when I go up... Is this really a cat? Isn’t it a human... Hahaha Sheriff female cat only does what she likes, never forced herself to accept what she doesn’t like, and is also very principled in asking for food. Yes, she only steals fish, and she won’t take anything else. .

| "Noble" cat

Little Gray Gray ID Photo

King's Gaze

The glass door outside the western restaurant scratches this glass door every time I ask for food

This is the cat I admire most in the whole film. "It has the appearance of a nobleman, but it tastes being bullied. Sometimes residents need to go to the trash can to get it out..." As the film describes, "Nothing in the world When you need food, even if you are hungry, you won’t enter the western restaurant to ask for food without authorization. Instead, you just waited foolishly by the glass door outside the restaurant, looked at the front desk staff foolishly, and started scratching. Glass... "It's a super cute and principled cat! If it is human, it should be a gentleman/lady.

Whenever it scratches the glass, the handsome guy at the front desk knows that he needs to prepare some food. Generally, he prepares some smoked meat (sliced ​​into thin slices). It seems to be picky eaters not to eat chicken, plus a few slices of cheese... The food is good, after all, it’s Western. The restaurant, the food will not be bad! This noble cat is quite discerning. The front desk cuts up the food, puts it out on a plate, and the cat knows how to eat it outside~ I really envy this kind of tacit understanding, scratch the glass-send a big meal-eat a big meal.

| Cat Healing

The uncle in the picture suffered from mental problems in 2003. He was very confused, as if he could not find himself... Gradually he realized that feeding cats can make him feel good, so he insisted on this habit. It will be very "grand" to go to the market to buy a few horse bags of food (fish, some raw meat, etc.) and feed it at a few fixed points. The cats also have a tacit understanding. Every time they see the uncle coming, they look like After discussing it, the group gathered around the uncle (presumably this is the happiest moment for the uncle).

The big adult cats will directly find an open space, throw fish to them, seagulls will come to grab them, the uncle will always prepare more food, everyone has a share, the small kittens will prepare small pieces of meat for them to eat. Feeding one of them will not miss... "This time I feel that there is less food... Haha" After feeding the uncle, he said to the camera in a naive manner, he could not see that he was a very depressed person before. "Surface It seems that I am feeding and relieving these cats, but in my heart I really feel that they have healed me," the uncle said without doubt.

Where there are people, there will be stories, where there are lives, there will be stories between life and life.

The documentary of more than an hour ended soon, and I still have more thoughts after watching it, wondering why there is no such scene in other cities in the world? Do these cats only choose Istanbul? In fact, there are some explanations in the film. In the early years, the port of Istanbul would be traded with ships from Norway and other countries. The crew usually likes to keep cats on the ship. It is a bit of spiritual comfort to prevent rodents. After all, life on the ship is too boring. Every time a ship arrives at the port, the cats will disembark and hang out ashore. Often, cats miss the sailing time and just stay in this city.

So greasy and crooked

Cats are healing.


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Extended Reading
  • Doug 2022-03-25 09:01:19

    Big cat licking scene! Kind people, and every cat that has a name but is free. So loving! A must-see for cat lovers!

  • Royce 2022-04-21 09:03:08

    Dear meow, I wish you all the best in the free world.

Kedi quotes

  • Bülent Üstün: Down the hill in Cihangir, there used to be a big harbor during the Ottoman era. Ships from Norway and elsewhere would come with cargo. Sailors would keep cats on board to fend off rats. As cargo was being unloaded, cats would get off the boat thinking that they'd made it to land. And trek up to the top of the hill. Later, they'd miss the boat and begin life here in Cihangir. Now, there are countless kinds of cats in this area. Norwegian cats, and cats from all over the world. There's a lot of variety. Later, the first Ottoman sewers were built in this part of the city. And giant rats would terrorize residents. That's why every house had a cat. To fend off the giant sewer rats.

  • Unnamed Human Resident of Istanbul: The streets seem empty to me without cats but it's a strange situation. It's a total dilemma if you ask me. The city no longer accommodates them. But at home, and I know from my own cats they forget their cat-ness after a while.