What will happen to the worst if you don't do housework and find someone to do it? (Discontinued)

Tod 2022-01-20 08:01:41

The tone is weird, somewhere between Gothic and absurd cult. The words and deeds of all the characters seem to be waiting for a dramatic conflict at any time. Any ordinary scene, such as walking and drinking water, reveals suspense, horror, and a sense of psychological analysis. Focusing on scenes and shots is better than logic and narrative. The tension of the screen gives people a very enjoyable feeling: the charm of images. The latter part is slightly procrastinated.

Servant Hugo, Satan's servant? Susan, the sensitive fiancee, sniffed out the evil of Hugo, but Tony joked to her that "Hugo will become a vampire on weekend vacation." Who wants to make a joke, Hugo sucks Tony like a vampire, and the servant becomes the master completely.

But this owner is just the owner of the shell of the house. Just like Susan asked "what do you want from this house" before, Hugo whispered that he is just a servant...The final answer is revealed, what you want is not something from this house, but this house itself. Probably Hugo thinks that Satan has his own pandemonium (a word created by Milton in Paradise Lost, which can be translated as the house of ghosts), he has been jealous for a long time, and he has no choice but to travel too shallowly, has no savings, and no credit loans. Mortgage, it is better to find a nobleman who has the potential to degenerate, follow the temptation to occupy the magpie's nest, build a private place for yourself with this house, call the devil and attract the ghost, and orgie every night, no longer need to be controlled by others.

Hugo, who finally succeeded, also seduced Susan who had rushed in by mistake at the fornication party for a moment. But then when Susan woke up, she slapped Hugo's face with a slap on Hugo's face, and Fan'er, the owner of Hugo's arrogance, immediately withered, revealing a convincing look. Although he is the owner of the house, he will always consider himself a slave in his heart. This was also the case in the past. Every time Susan was stern, Hugo immediately obeyed like a good boy. But when Susan was sent out, the door was closed, and the hideous color appeared again: In a room without a master, who would know the side of his servant? And the real "master", one slumped on the ground holding a wine glass, and the other cried bitterly in the wind and snow outside the door.

This film tells us that it is best to clean up our own house. (Or don't clean up (me)

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Extended Reading
  • Marianna 2022-03-19 09:01:08

    The absurd drama, the last half an hour did not feel as good as the previous one, the decadence of spiritual attachment routs, reminded me of Gu Kedo's drama, terrible children. The photography and setting are excellent.

  • Braeden 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    The film's success first benefited from the excellent screenplay by Nobel Prize winner Harold Pinter. The film unfolds in a closed space, Tony's house, and tells the process of reversing the positions between the master Tony and the servant Barret. The complex characters and subtle interpersonal relationships make the film "see the truth in the smallest details", which has diluted the plot, and is full of tension everywhere. The apparent master in the film is Tony and the servant is Barrett. But over time, Barret becomes the real master and Tony becomes the servant.

The Servant quotes

  • Hugo Barrett: I'm not staying here in a place where they just chuck balls in your face.

  • Susan: Barrett, come here. Do you use deodorant?