what is love

Harley 2021-12-30 17:18:19

I used to think that love is pure and without any impurities, but only after experiencing it did I realize that I also did something that I once opposed or even hated. After watching this movie, this feeling is even more intense. What is love? I admit me I have been looking for the purest love. I said to myself that I can’t find someone I really like. I won’t get married if I can’t find love. But what is a man? I once saw in a book that men are the purest animals. Some are just desire. Love is not their purpose. It is just a means. After watching this movie, maybe you will understand this sentence more thoroughly. So love still has this thing now. Can I find love? I am confused. . . . . .

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Extended Reading
  • Josue 2021-12-30 17:18:19

    Americans talk to themselves about their self-righteous philosophy of life

  • Braden 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    Pulled a bit, it doesn't make sense.

Sex and Death 101 quotes

  • Alpha: I'm certain that some very interesting things will occur this evening... your penis going into her vagina will not be one of them. But have a lovely evening.


  • Victor Rose III: Stop. Mother deserves some respect, not to be treated as a leper... Despite her grotesque skin disease. Dessert?