Epoch-making, "great animation"

Lou 2022-02-21 08:01:39

The author is called John Lasseter (John Lasseter), one of the creators of Dabai.

Don't underestimate him, this guy is the soul of Disney animation. From 2007 to the present, he has served as the executive producer of all Disney animations, including of course "Big Hero 6".

After graduating from college, Lasseter's first job was an animator at Disney. At that time, computer animation technology was just starting, and Disney only used it to do simple auxiliary tasks.

But after using it a few times, Lasseter was fascinated. He decided to try to make animation directly with a computer. Not only that, he also brought a few colleagues to study with him.

As a result, his leadership was upset, and he said that you guys don't do business, what are you doing? So he called a big head to teach him a lesson.

After receiving the notice of the meeting, the second guy thought that his idea was taken seriously. At the meeting, he made various suggestions in a frenzy, and the leaders turned blue with anger. As soon as the meeting was over, he received a notice of dismissal.

After being fired by Disney, the heartbroken Lasseter planned to say goodbye to the animation industry. But then he received a call from Lucasfilm.

By the way, Lucasfilm had a department that developed image processing equipment at the time, and they hoped to find someone to make some animations for display. So Lasseter joined them and became an "interface designer".

A few years later, Jobs, who was swept away by Apple, bought the department and changed its name to Pixar Studio.

After buying Pixar, Joe, who knew nothing about animation, formulated a strategy for the company to sell high-end image processing equipment and software.

In the next few years, the company sold several computers with extremely powerful image processing capabilities that could be used in various fields such as medical treatment, meteorology, animation production, and aerospace.

Then, the market's response was-no one bought it at all. Because the price is too expensive, they only sold more than 200 of the n models of computers they launched.

Although the leader of Qiao's gang is considered a local tyrant, he can't bear it after tens of millions of dollars are dropped. He first laid off nearly half of his employees, and then called a meeting to ask everyone to cut all unnecessary expenses.

By the way, Uncle Lasseter's brain is really lacking. At this time, he actually applied for 300,000 U.S. dollars to Joe's gang leader to shoot an animated short film "Little Tin Soldier."

Although his heart was almost collapsed, the gang leader Joe agreed to listen to him to introduce him. So Lasseter danced and played various roles in the short film.

After watching Lasseter's performance without saying a word, Jobs only said one sentence: "I only have one request: make a great animation." Then he turned and left.

Many years later, when asked why the 300,000 US dollars were paid, the Qiao gang’s answer was: "I believe in everything he does for art, so I always say'yes' to him." After

receiving the funds, he pulled Setter decided to show this work at SIGGRAPH, the top computer animation conference. In order to be able to finish on time, Lasseter and the engineers rushed to work frantically, sleeping under their desks almost every day.

Even so, they failed to complete the entire "Little Tin Soldier". At the SIGGRAPH conference, they had to demonstrate a 3-minute edited version.

But that was enough. This epoch-making work shocked everyone present. After the film was broadcast, the audience stood up and applauded. Subsequently, "Little Tin Soldiers" won an Oscar, which is also the first computer animation short film to win an Oscar.

Imagine how powerful a 3D animation can be in the era of Super Mario.

After taking the Little Golden Man back, Lasseter raised it in front of Jobs and said loudly: "The only requirement you have of me is to make a great animation."

from the WeChat public account , 40 seconds deleted.
Original webpage address: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzAwNTE1NjMxMg==&mid=207269441&idx=1&sn=52628b58004208936f906ccfa7f17890#rd

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Extended Reading
  • Zena 2022-03-27 09:01:19

    Pixar's early short stories are mediocre

  • Jules 2022-02-21 08:01:39

    Baby is as horrible as the group of younger children that Woody and the others encountered in Toy 3, the final result is not very clear, but at least the little soldiers are still very kind to complete their mission.