Soy sauce

Arielle 2022-01-19 08:02:42

"Robot Mobilization" is a very watchable and interesting animated film. In 2700 AD, human civilization was highly developed, but due to the massive increase in pollution and domestic waste, the earth was no longer suitable for human habitation. The people on earth were forced to leave their hometown in a spacecraft for a long and boundless journey into the universe. Before leaving, they entrusted Buynlarge's company to clean up the earth's waste. The company developed a robot named WALL.E (Waste Allocation Load Lifters-Earth) to take this important task. These robots work hard day after day and year after year in accordance with the procedures, but with the passage of time and the erosion of the harsh environment, the WALL.Es have been damaged and stopped moving one after another. In the end, only one is still doing this seemingly endless work. After a long time, it began to have its own consciousness. It likes to hide the collected treasures carefully, like to watch music and dance films hundreds of years ago after work is over, in addition to having a cockroach friend as company. Until one day, a spaceship from the universe broke its unchanging life... The
whole movie is around our protagonist WALL.E. The journey of WALL.E is full of legendary adventures. He is a qualified and lovable protagonist. In the feature film, the welder BURN-E is just a very humble little soy sauce, but this soy sauce attracted my attention, especially in the outside, because of the interference of WALL.E, he reworked again and again, top Under the strong pressure of the BOSS, I was locked out of the warehouse alone while humming an ode to joy and burned out a small flower with my own hand. My cuteness was poke by him without warning. For me, BURN.E is cuter than WALL.E, and it impressed me even more. His boring, literary and artistic masculinity makes him like a firework. Although he appears for a short time, his splendor is even more dazzling.

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Extended Reading
  • Edgardo 2022-01-19 08:02:42

    Although it is an old bridge section, it is really exciting.

  • Cole 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    In fact, this short film is quite ordinary~