Dogtail mink

Kelli 2022-02-23 08:01:06

Although this "Future World" is known as the sequel to "Western World", the director and screenwriter were changed, and the quality of the film plummeted immediately. Not to mention that this "Future World" has shifted its focus from science fiction to suspense. Even if it is a suspense film, all kinds of logical confusion are unbearable. For example, the most obvious thing is that people have been captured to collect data. Why? Do you want to put people back into trouble for yourself? Wouldn’t it be fine to just do the person off the operating table? Or simply tie it up, do the experiment as you want, wait until the complete copy is completed, and then the result will be a hit, and then put the result back and let the cloner kill it. Is this for copying people to practice their hands? There is also the villain who has clearly seen the reporter contact with the only human employee in the park without any response. One employee had already defected and was killed before. This one had already contacted the troublemaker, and he didn't even start. He had to wait until the last employee had to run away before starting. Moreover, the knife was so exaggerated, I don't know why. If the human employees are gone, wouldn’t it be enough to recruit another one? Is it necessary to cherish it? He is not the only human on the street who can repair water pipes.
Other small ridiculous details are even more numerous. For example, when the cloner is chasing Chuck, he has to say hello and then shoot. Is this showing chivalry? The villain found out that Zhenchak and Trish had escaped. They didn't get on the plane, or they got on the plane before they sent robot killers to their newspapers and TV stations, wouldn't it be fine? Wasn't that the way that Frank who broke the news got killed? I don't know what the villain is up to, or what Chuck and Trish are happy about. They did not escape danger at all.
Suspense films are the most taboo for plot logic that is not self-consistent, otherwise the behavior of the characters in the film is like playing family. The actor looked nervous and serious, and the audience felt that this group of people were doing something pretending. And when most people want to complain, the black robot cowboy in "Westworld" also appeared, but it turned out to be only in Trish's dream. I thought he was resurrected, and he would perform another killing scene, purely for soy sauce. If such a movie full of errors and omissions is not bleak at the box office in the United States, it would be a hell of a ghost.

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Extended Reading
  • Dawn 2022-03-24 09:03:26

  • Frieda 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    I watched this sequel when I was a child, and now I think back, there is a sense of alienation and realistic oppression.

Futureworld quotes

  • Chuck Browning: Come upstairs!

    Tracy Ballard: Oh, I thought you'd never ask!

  • Ron Thurlow: Hey, do you know what this fella told me? He told me once you make it with a robot chick, that's it, you don't never want nothin' else. I swear to God, that's what he told me. Are you gonna do it?

    Tracy Ballard: Do what, Ron?

    Ron Thurlow: Have sex with a robot!

    Tracy Ballard: Not this trip, Ron.