No sense of science fiction, very disappointed

Clyde 2021-10-20 17:23:45

It stands to reason that the quality of a movie is often proportional to the length of the movie, because an excellent movie contains more narrative bridges necessary to promote the development of the plot, making the whole movie more detailed and complete, and the thoughts of such directors are generally speaking Film directors who are less than 90 minutes must have spent more time, energy and cost. However, this is a counterexample. It is the most substandard movie I have ever watched for about 150 minutes, and I still put it in the excellent alien series to discuss it. I think that changing the order of the third and the second part at least makes the audience feel more comfortable. After watching the alien group, only one alien came and there was no bullet rain. Obviously lost interest. I saw the one-hour show I didn’t want to watch it at that time, but I chose to stick to it... To tell the truth, I lost the third part from the setting of the story. The script itself is okay, but it has nothing to do with the alien. If there is no alien, it might be. A bunch of people break in, maybe it can make a good drama. To be honest, the planetary prison can be replaced by a planetary hospital, a planetary factory, and a group of doctors, nurses, and workers. I think it works. The setting without weapons is also very stupid, can it be called hard science fiction... The second part, which is indeed too good, obviously adds a lot of pressure to the third part, but this is just trivial. The biggest problem is the loopholes in the third part. And brain damage settings. The second part also left a difficult start for the third part: how to deal with the little girl. Sure enough, the director directly let the little girl die at the beginning...

There are too many flaws in the third part, the vague personality settings, except for the protagonist, the rest of the people are not at all confusing to the audience. The black man wearing glasses is sometimes selfish but eventually becomes the Virgin. The heroine is unwilling to protect world peace. Believing in the company and then committing suicide, and adding some empty beliefs, it seems that they want to make people very deep, but in fact, the director is playing it down. The illogical plot has always been that some people encounter aliens and then be killed. There is only one thread: always trying to seal the aliens, and then escape and seal them. Why did the parasitized man release the alien? It’s good to increase appetite, but it doesn’t seem to be able to control your thoughts, right? And if the Alien didn't kill him, then he disappeared when he opened the door in the end? And the heroine is not controlled by her thoughts. Another problem is that the venue is too small and uncomfortable to see. The horrible nonsense line of lines basically didn't promote the plot. Although there is no partial topic, there is no sense of science fiction at all. The director did not regard the alien as a sci-fi movie, and there are no horror and horror elements. In short, it is not a little worse than the first part of the second part. It has destroyed the entire alien. The sci-fi sense and plot development of the series...I am still waiting for the fourth part to complete the third part.

Although I don’t know David Fincher very well, everyone has a high opinion of him, but I feel that asking a third-rate director for this film should not necessarily be worse than this. There is no bright spot, and I am disappointed... Please be fair. Rating, I don’t think there are more than two stars for this film.

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Extended Reading
  • Graciela 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    It broke the pattern of writing, beautiful words, beautiful abstract symbols, but fuzzy characters, and loose plots, but the beauty of the series is here. After three films, in 1992, the directors had already warmed up~~

  • Howell 2021-10-20 19:02:44

    It turned out that David Fincher also had 13 crooked outfits. . . That's called a pretentiousness. . . .

Alien 3 quotes

  • [last lines]

    Ripley: [playback of a recording, interrupted by static] Ash, Captain Dallas are dead. Cargo and ship destroyed. I should reach the frontier in about six weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo, signing off.

  • Ripley: Do we have the capacity to make fire? Most humans have enjoyed that privilege since the stone age.

    Aaron: [looking nervous and uneasy] No need to be sarcastic.