
Sam 2022-09-14 08:08:30

The accidental film of FOXfire

comes from five girls' innocent and violent
tattoos , rock, cigarettes, sex families, they are turbulent in an era,

crazy nights together, they come to an abandoned house in the desert, they light candles, legs, take out an old box and take out the needles

For nights like this, we must always remember,
slowly stab a flame on the chest, her eyes are so captivating,
fire destroys everything and regenerates everything, the

ending is not expected, maybe there can be a better ending like this Explain that Legs left after RED shot G's father she was so desperate M said to her I'll never forget you legs gone M then kept on traveling it's just a small part of how girls grow up Part of it is that no one will be with whom forever except the one in your heart, the image that

stays mind is that they put on rock and roll crazy dancing in their world only the fire in their hearts, the bodies that entangle each other, the fire in the girl's chest They are the most real things in their world,
even if they cry, they are happy

because they have a reason to cry because of you

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Foxfire quotes

  • Goldie: Yo! Does this bitch ALWAYS talk in exclamation marks?

  • Maddy: If I told you that I loved you, would you take it the wrong way?

    Legs: I'll take it however you want me to.