nameless girl

Shanna 2022-10-21 18:27:03

The mediocrity of this film cannot be attributed to the poor skills of the Darney brothers, but such character settings and issues have become a creative inertia of the Darney brothers. The heroine fully explained what it means to come out of the mud and not be stained. Everyone is drunk and I wake up alone. When the halo of the Virgin on the heroine's head is deliberately strengthened in order to highlight the issue, and the people around me are sinister, the story is no longer convincing. The only comfort is the sound of cars passing by at night through the window of the hostess's room, which may be more darnney. I prefer "Dancing Girl" to this one.

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The Unknown Girl quotes

  • Julien: When I saw that kid having his fit, shaking all over... I saw myself when my dad hit me. All I got from him was beatings. I wanted to be a doctor to treat him or to treat myself, I don't know. Or to be a better doctor than ours who thought I bruised myself playing.

  • Le père de Bryan: She doesn't care.

    Le père de Bryan: She's dead.

    Jenny Davin: If she was dead, she wouldn't be in our heads.