No winner after war is just a statement of probability

Wyatt 2022-10-08 09:03:13

At the end of the war, what the soldiers got was forgetfulness and pain, but the lieutenant, who ignored human life, made ill-gotten gains from the war.

Those who are rapists and criminals are on the rise, but those who are upright are not able to get ahead.

There is no winner after the war, it's just a probabilistic statement, because it's just the bottom majority who suffer.

So are those who died martyrs or victims?

Even if the survivors tried to resist, their broken bodies and twisted minds were irreversible.

As in the end, Edward fell into madness and lost his mind. His eyes even lost anger and hatred, leaving only emptiness and despair. At that moment, his soul was already dying. After reconciling with his father, he jumped, perhaps the only thing he had. relief.

The evil in this world may never disappear, and the exploitation and bullying of those with lower status by those with high status will never stop. The world is cruel and absurd, and revenge cannot make up for physical and mental pain.

That's why Pierre Lemaitre said in "Goodbye in Heaven": "If we can't fight the evil of the world, let's die each and see you in heaven."

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