The most bowed style

Rodger 2022-11-19 13:59:44

"Love in Three Seasons" made people think of going to Vietnam, and "The Smell of Green Papaya" made people decide to pack and go. From childhood to adulthood, such impulsiveness and self-will, only once.

A film that is as cool as water, with no complicated plots, a little girl goes to a big family to help, and ten years pass by slowly, the little girl with a pair of deer-like eyes grows into a gentle and beautiful big girl, and finally waits. to your own happiness. A real-life story that is most likely to develop into a Vietnamese version of a thunderstorm has a fairytale ending in the hands of Chen Yingying. Mei, who was wearing a light yellow shirt, sat in a faint halo, stroked her slightly bulging abdomen, and smiled at the camera.

I watched the film 5 years ago, and it has been 4 years since my trip to Saigon. Recently, due to the economic turmoil in Vietnam, there have been frequent newspapers, so when I think of this film, the soft and clear women and elegant national clothes come to mind. The Vietnamese national dress is similar to the cheongsam, but the biggest difference and feature is the hem and waist: the hem is wider than the knee and moves with the wind; the waistline is very high, revealing a little skin around the waist. Vietnamese women are not very beautiful, with slightly high cheekbones, slightly dark skin, and mostly plain clothes, but they are better than graceful figures and gentle attitudes.

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