How far can the stumbled "little hero" go?

Reginald 2022-11-17 21:04:10

At the end of the film, I was a little reluctant to part, not because of how exciting the plot was, but because of the girl I just got acquainted with in the theater (laughs). After watching the animation collection of "Woying" intermittently, and then adding some comics, I wanted to write something about "Woying" for a long time, so let's do a general review today.

Green Valley Dejiu Town Building

1. Some impressions of the hot-blooded romance

Due to various reasons, I missed a large number of phenomenon-level hot-blooded comics such as Naruto, Pirate, Death, Dragon Ball, etc., and I didn't watch it episode by episode for such a long time, maintaining a state of shallow taste. The first hot-blooded manga to watch well should be "One Punch Man", and the funny and hot-blooded plot also left a deep impression on me. Under the strong Amway of my friends, I gradually started the road of Hero Academia. Many of the hot-blooded comics are long-form migrant manga, and "Woying" is no exception. The protagonist grows and develops step by step, and gradually fights against more powerful enemies, experiences more adventures, and makes more friends. Correspondingly, the set world is also expanding step by step, and the author needs to improve it step by step to make the environment in which the characters live more reasonable, so that there is a sufficient stage for the farther and farther adventure. And "Woying" has some flaws in this aspect, which we will discuss later.

2. Some thoughts on the characters and details of "Woying"

The character settings of "Woying" are interesting enough. The ability settings of characters like Chang An, Erlang, and Fakuchi are really eye-catching. The character modeling is also very suitable for their personalities, and the style of painting is also very good. The genre I prefer, combining the youthful and vigorous youth with this slightly cute style is undoubtedly a plus point for this work. My favorite character is Erlang Xiangxiang, a unique creative personality, a strong and calm personality, a neutral style and a slightly shy inside that make me like this character from the bottom of my heart. Wife" likes (although I don't mind if I use it as a wife~ hehehe).

cool ear man

Evening dress race high!

The most disappointing character in the whole animation is Bakugou Shengji, except that the battle is IQ online, most of the time he is a reckless man and iron. Talking about "Xinai" every day, you have to be strong to the point of paranoia, inexplicably choose to go your own way, and even more blatant malice and disdain for Lugu, because Lugu also has the dream of being admitted to the hero, and began to intensify his tyranny. Ling, in the comics, even smashed Lugu with a hardened snowball with blood on his face. Maybe the author wants to use the role of Bakugou to create a love-and-kill relationship with the protagonist Green Valley, but it is clear that the author did not grasp the degree well, which made many audiences feel disgusted. I very much hope that Bakugou can slowly become friendly in the later stage, and learn to face the limit of his own ability, instead of blindly pursuing the fighting power of God to block and kill God. After all, heroes are not mercenaries who kill people for money and are reckless.

Tie Han Han Bang Hao

3. Worry about the plot that gradually begins to collapse

With the appearance of the character of the pass million, the combat power of various characters began to gradually collapse. The ability of frog blowing and grapes is destined to enter the bottom of the combat power under the comparison of the ability to control the wind, blur, teleport, etc., and Lugu, who has inherited the "one for all"', uses punches and kicks to fight with these. The competition between people gradually became less powerful. In the end, the author had to remove the million and use it again when he remembered it next time. He also sent a plug-in to Lugu, and gave "one for all" six abilities at once. Since then, Lugu has changed from a teenager who practiced physique to a scientist who has opened six kinds of plug-ins. The combat power began to collapse on a large scale, and the author also began to lack skills.

Begin the road to science

I really hope that "Woying" can continue to maintain high quality, keep chasing, and present the brilliance of a phenomenal work again. So, the author must be steady, don't let yourself go!

4. Summary

Overall rating 7.2/10

It's very beautiful, but there are still many, many shortcomings that need to be improved. If we continue to let the plot fly, I really don't know how far our little hero can go.

PS. The bullet screens at station B are all based on rotten female cps, and watching the bullet screens with the bullet screen open will affect the viewing experience. (I really don’t understand why you need to brush BL in the original work, go out and turn left at station E, or go to a certain website to get some books to generate electricity yourself.)

Finally, I wish our little hero can get better and better, and the team will become stronger and stronger!

View more about My Hero Academia: Two Heroes reviews