
Clotilde 2022-07-10 22:15:39

Naked Harvey in Life (2003)
2003 / Australia / Animated Comedy Shorts / Adam Elliott / Geoffrey Rush John Flowers

After watching "Mary and Marx", I decided to see another work by the same director. Harvey's life can be described as a series of twists and turns according to our experience. When he was growing up, his parents died unexpectedly, he was exiled to a foreign country, he was fired here, and he went to the hospital, but unexpectedly met him. His wife, getting married, adopting a child, seems like a normal life just started, but he doesn't know that all kinds of difficulties and blows always come one after another. His wife left with a stroke, and his daughter went to the United States to study, leaving him alone. As he grew older, he became more and more confused, but some things became more and more sober. In the nursing home, he met all kinds of people and encountered all kinds of strange things, but he still insisted on his character and ideas, until finally, he decided to show people naked. Maybe in his opinion, nakedness is also beautiful. This is his attitude and way of life. For some reason, he could only learn from his mother when he was young. When he grew up, he learned some fakts through his own life, and taught his daughter what he knew. . Although the middle is not necessarily right, for him or his daughter, it is the only way to know. Fortunately, he has his happiness, and his daughter is also excellent.

He took off his clothes and went out and sat in the early morning sun, the sun shining on his face, smiling for the first time in a long time, waiting for the bus that would never come, he knew it wouldn't come , but he doesn't care.

That last scene, sitting at the bus stop waiting for the bus that's never coming, is more peaceful.

Perhaps the same is true for us. People do nothing in this life, but experience all kinds of ups and downs, but in the end, they are all alone. In the last moments of life, see yourself and understand life.

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Harvie Krumpet quotes

  • Harvie: Thank you.

  • Statue of Horace: Seize the day, Harvie. Seize the day. Carpe Diem.