Those sparkly fakts.

Thora 2022-07-10 22:36:48

That Harvey, that ordinary Harvey, that unlucky ordinary Harvey, that unlucky ordinary Harvey who had been bumpy all his life but couldn't get rid of his loneliness, let us see a life in just over twenty minutes. The whole process and the helplessness of life, but at the same time left behind those shining fakts... Maybe it should be called an epigram. Life may not be beautiful, but we should cherish it, because she is so short, maybe only those twenty minutes.

Some are born great
Some achieve greatness
Some have greatness thrust upon them ...
...and then .... there are others...

Fakt 48
Fakts still exist even if they are ignored.

Fakt 116
Certain frogs can come back to life when thawed, humans do not.

Fakt 142
A cigarette is a substitute for your mothers nipple.

Fakt 586
Love does not conquer all.

Fakt 804
42% of the population can't remember their pin number.

Fakt 914
Alcohol can cause drunkenness and nudity.

Fakt 1034
Life is like a cigarette.
Smoke it to the butt.

As for why you want to be naked, I still don't quite understand it...

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Extended Reading

Harvie Krumpet quotes

  • Harvie: Thank you.

  • Statue of Horace: Seize the day, Harvie. Seize the day. Carpe Diem.