What are you doing alive?

Patsy 2022-11-24 18:52:39

Hu Shi once said: "Life itself has no meaning. If you give it any meaning, it will have meaning. Instead of meditating on the meaning of life all day long, it is better to try this life to do something meaningful."

Harvey, the protagonist of the film Obviously, he doesn't belong to the kind of people who "meditate on the meaning of life all day long". I like this form of narration to make funny explanations. The clay modeling is also vivid and lovely. Harvey's life is quite bumpy but also very meaningful. , Every period of his growth is accompanied by a special and detailed little story, and it also makes him realize many life philosophies~

These stories are constantly changing according to Harvey's growth, some are helpless to be laughed at, some have lost their parents Sadness, and the joy of encountering love, especially hobbies that are both unpopular and very individual, like touching people's noses, willing to run naked to show their bodies, like to pretend to be "heroes" to save animals, so much that I want to commit suicide in the end. The melancholy ~ hehe ~ This is a life with layers, rhythm, texture, and meaning! It's much more interesting than many "Sisyphus" in today's society~

Actually, it's not terrible to have tics, it's not terrible to have a world war, it's not terrible to have a broken skull, it's not terrible to have one less testicle, and it's not terrible to like being "naked" Terrible, terrifying that my parents gave me life, and I just wanted to come to this world for a walk? Just want to just "exist"? I'm going to say "no" to this kind of life, because it's not time wasted, it's only ourselves! Adhere to my true self, have ideals in my heart, work hard, and persevere. Even if there will be setbacks and failures, I will try my best to live the life I want, and this process itself is the meaning of life.

PS: Cherish every day of life, because life is like smoking, one day you will smoke a cigarette butt.

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Harvie Krumpet quotes

  • Harvie: Thank you.

  • Statue of Horace: Seize the day, Harvie. Seize the day. Carpe Diem.