Turkey and Beginners and Confusion The King and I

Madelyn 2022-07-16 19:36:38

Turkey is a place that produces handsome guys

A good movie needs to be watched first. For this kind of youth romantic comedy that starts and knows the end, it needs to be interesting
. In the extremes of Western film history The developed audience is increasingly picky. Today, I will look back and look back at this movie. Basically, it is all old-fashioned clichés. The attraction of this movie is that the characters are cute
, not stunning, and the heroine of youth is invincible. Makes me think it's worth the ticket price, the male protagonist with more personality and looks
+ very white and very white, swimsuit blockhouse, really blond, blue-eyed and wrinkled mother
+ boring Turkish maid sister + reading pornographic magazines and actually not talking Handsome and silly guy,
so I watched it endlessly, and I still remember it

: Handjob
crash mom swimsuit
+ sunscreen
female lead peeping male lead taking a bath Pretending to be a gangster and hanging 3 chickens in the male protagonist's father's hut , and the word wrapping cloth... So this movie made me blush and my heart is red! ! All script-like literary and artistic creations are basically a hero's journey of discovery , that is, from the daily world to enter the adventure partner test, harvest rebirth and return to the daily world . Although it is cliché, if you think about it carefully, you will find that from ancient mythology to daily experience, this is indeed true or Longing for this ascension, sublimation, reincarnation, and human genetic validation , and because it contains truth, goodness, beauty, and the greatest driving force, love, is free from the mundane and becomes truth . We all want to have such a person who is sexually attractive and looks at you. If treasure part2

The confused king on campus has the mentality of watching 5s and then
giving up. When he described the heroine (Dao Maojiang~) as stupid
in 3s It just matches my aura! ! It's about I like him, you like me, and I like to do countless stupid things behind my back. There are countless self-indulgent, self-indulgent brain-filling, infinitely awkward, tangled, nympho sweet stories . It's about falling in love with your own imagination, worrying about gains and losses, and sometimes joys and sorrows. The story is my story Is it everyone's story? In the ninth chapter of the first semester, the male protagonist was defeated again and again by the female protagonist's favorite Kappa. It seems that we are all good rivals in love . It's really frustrating , but love can be done anytime. For the person you like Humble and small enough to crawl into the dirt, but this kind of unrequited love doesn't seem like mature love . Some people fall in love, and some people fall out of love. Actually, it's not a big deal at all. It's just the way we approach to discover the truth of the world . It's all wonderful . "Youth is like a heavy rain. Even if I catch a cold, I want to shower again." I can't help laughing when I think of so-and-so, but sometimes I drink a lot of alcohol and shed a lot of tears for no reason. A confessed person, I said I didn't confess... Hahahahaha "You are so flashy in front of you and I become a little transparent"

The person I like is the light that only I can see,

eyes dodging, body temperature rising, ambiguous fermentation
, but in the end, this is a story that didn't happen

- are you still single?
- No, it's just that he doesn't know that person.

I think I'm about to enter the door of adventure and
finally return to the day-to-day homecoming with growth and love

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Türkisch für Anfänger quotes

  • Cem Öztürk: There I crash one time on a lonely island and no hot chicks around.

    [subtitled version]

  • Lena Schneider: You're such a good kisser!

    Cem Öztürk: That's my nose.

    [subtitled version]