human hope

Brett 2022-07-07 22:36:49

Some people say that the war itself is right, but the one who started the war is wrong. It sounds like war is a tool. It is usually placed there and picked up when it is used. Isn't this an axe? It seems that there is nothing wrong, but war is a series of human behaviors, not a tool. As long as there is conflict, the tool exists and is used. Once the conflict disappears, the tool will be gone. This is not the case with an axe. to, it's all there. Therefore, to say that war is a tool is undoubtedly an ulterior motive.

Since the birth of mankind, wars have never stopped. From ancient inter-tribal wars, to ancient inter-ethnic wars, wars between various forces, and then to modern world wars, every war has resulted in a large number of deaths and huge losses. Reflection against war is still in capitalism. After the development, the real heart-wrenching thinking seems to be after the end of World War II.

The pace of human war has not stopped after World War I. The death of tens of millions of soldiers has not awakened the conscience of mankind. In fact, mankind has no conscience, because if mankind had a conscience, war would have disappeared long ago. Until we think about the human conscience after the war. No conscience means that there is no question of awakening the conscience. What is awakening? Just fear! The emergence of nuclear weapons has ended human wars, which also confirms that the so-called conscience of human beings is only the unrealistic imagination of some weak people to the strong. Fear stopped the progress of the war and gave people time, energy and space to think about the war itself.

This movie was shot at this time. After the end of World War II, there were no major wars in the world, but local conflicts, large and small, have not stopped. Korean War, Middle East War, Vietnam War, Iran-Iraq War, Iraq War, Afghanistan War. . . Conflicts are taking place all over the world, and they have not stopped to this day, but at the same time, the denunciation and reflection on the war have never stopped.

All Quiet on the Western Front is such a reflection on war. A group of hot-blooded young people, who are going to serve the empire, have undergone military training. They do not know the meaning of war, nor do they know what cruel, lengthy and boring military training means. But when they came to the front of the Marne, their real baptism began. Killing, being killed, charging, counter-charging, fighting the enemy hand-to-hand, watching the blood of the comrades being bombed, and dying in pain, their families are also experiencing great pain at the same time, the German emperor and the teachers of the students are Instigating these young people to go to the battlefield to die for them. In the end, the veterans were either killed or maimed. Paul's old classmates disappeared one by one. Later, their old squad leader was also killed by shrapnel, and he himself saw the immature children of the recruits who were recruited. So he cared and cared for them like the old monitor. But war ended up taking his life when he appreciated beauty.

What is the point of war? Whether the meaning of war for the nation and the interests of war for the individual can be reconciled. Probably not. War is an extension of politics, politics is the expression of economy, and behind the experience is the operation of capital, and behind the capital is the greed of human nature.

Thinking about war does not prevent war. The popularity of Vietnam War movies such as field platoons did not prevent the United States from aggression in Iraq, nor did it prevent the United States from provoking various conflicts around the world. Every year, a large number of people around the world are still impoverished because of war.

Humanity is hopeless. Humanity's hope is in hell.

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All Quiet on the Western Front quotes

  • Paul Baumer: [to a dying Frenchman] If we threw away the guns, the grenades - we could have been brothers, but they never want us to know that.

  • Muller: Himmelstoss...there's a latrine down the road. Why don't you go take a jump?