That junior officer named Lagus should be Ramses I

Tressie 2022-10-25 22:23:04

Glancing at the TV series "Tutankhamun". If some of the historical facts that have been discovered are adopted, it is not easy to compile it. First of all, the basic logic must be smooth. In fact, there are many details in this drama, if you don't know the history, you really can't see it. For example, the order of the supporting characters when Tutankhamun was buried is the order of his successors. Grand Vizier Ay is next. Before Ayi died, he appointed Nakhtmin (also known as Nakht in the play) to succeed him as pharaoh. However, Ay's succession planning went awry as Horemheb became the last king of Egypt's 18th Dynasty, not Nakhtmin. Then it can be inferred that the last junior officer named Lagus should be Ramses I of the 19th Dynasty, at least this character was inspired by Ramses I.

Tutankhamun was very smart and knew which enemies could stay temporarily. What he said to Ayi before his death was full of deep meaning: The most unfaithful and treacherous enemy, no one knows.

The pharaoh's position was finally passed on to his truest friend Ragus, which should be a happy ending.

I think the pure and true love between Tutankhamun and Ankhesenamun will probably never be seen in a drama with Tutankhamun as the protagonist. in the plot.

As for the simple setting, the kings of our Shang Dynasty still lived in the big house of the chief's family, and there were still people buried under the house. Of course, the plot of the palace fight cannot be compared with that of "The Legend of Zhen Huan". How can we compare the events of more than 3,000 years ago with the end of the feudal empire? The point is not here.

History is still full of mysteries, and things that don't match our current understanding remain to be discovered.

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