Korean drama exclusive love collagen

Russel 2022-07-21 22:14:01

I admit that I was initially attracted by this film because of the looks of the hero and heroine. Last year, the works of the two of them, whether it was "The Third-rate Road" or "The Princess of the Seven Days", were all considered to be of high quality. Korean drama. I believe that the vision of the actors in choosing the script is a way to spend time during the drama famine. Believing in the chemistry of two people is also a kind of loyalty as a Korean drama lover.

After reading the opening chapter, I have to sigh that some girls are really favored by the years. Park Min-young's high ponytail really threw out a ray of sunshine. In fact, no matter whether the beauty process is a natural gene or an artificial masterpiece, I have to say that the final face on the screen is convinced. The male protagonist's figure is probably like a walking clothes rack, and he has the advantage of accurately sniping the hearts of girls every minute.

Closer to home, the drama itself, the flag that tvn must be a high-quality product stands in the forefront, and it has laid a certain tone. This film is not like a traditional tvn masterpiece, it does not have the depth of "Secret Forest", and it does not have the full firework atmosphere of "live" or "My Uncle". Using the domineering president configuration ten years ago and the dramatic effect of the comic remake is really not like the style of tvn.

However, without prejudice and misunderstanding, you have to watch the drama purely, in fact, there are still new ideas to be seen. The character of the male protagonist is a late-stage egocentric patient. Except that he can't see others, his colleagues who have been with him for nearly ten years do not understand his basic likes and dislikes, and even his final resignation is regarded as a demonstration of his unrequited love. The heroine's personality is an other-centered personality. When work is the whole of life, she becomes a person who can spin only by attracting the magnetic field of her work. She even regards her "secretary" career as her life, and finally she has no choice but to look for it. back to yourself.

The story takes place at the end of a workplace relationship, but it is precisely the beginning of the confrontation between two contradictions, and it is also the beginning of a love affair.

In this sense, the polyhedron of love has been turned over again, and a new idea has emerged. In fact, the end of all love is to meet yourself, better or worse.

The drama has just been updated, and the development of it is still unclear. As far as the beginning is concerned, there is no fault, but there is one thing that I admire. There is really a kind of collagen that is exclusive to Korean dramas.

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