Evaluation Bias

Freddy 2022-07-21 19:37:54

First of all, climate change and environmental change are an indisputable fact, and natural disasters such as enhanced hurricanes are a fact. The key to the dispute is whether human influence can cause anomalies in the natural cycle of climate and periodic fluctuations, and whether human beings have enough ability to affect the earth's natural cycle of change. Some people hold the view that human influence is negligible in the natural cycle of the earth, so they feel that human beings are not responsible for the current environmental changes, and there is no need to worry, but there is a psychological effect in this view, that is, human assessment of danger is based on Emotional, is irrational and incomplete, that is, things you have not experienced, your conscious perception and evaluation of the impact may have serious deviations, and if you feel profound things, your evaluation will also appear serious. For example, if you have never been robbed before, you will not think that robbery is a serious problem. If you are robbed once and the gangster threatens your life, you will become fearful since then, and it is likely that It will exaggerate the probability of robbery, and greatly increase the degree of disgust for robbery, and even think that the punishment of robbery is too light. Similarly, if you have experienced a natural disaster experience and almost lost your life in the disaster, With data showing an unprecedented scale and severity of this disaster, likely a consequence of human-induced environmental change, would you still support that human influence is insignificant on Earth's natural cycles?

Secondly, there is no doubt that what Mr. Gore has done is a good thing, although his examples and data are not completely true. After all, speech is to achieve goals, and he is a politician and is also good at using data to achieve goals, but again Emphasize that what he's doing is still a good thing! The core of science lies in forward-looking and crisis awareness, and the countries on the other side of the ocean have brought this awareness to the extreme. Various research projects are preparing for the future, whether it is military aerospace or civil technology, this kind of future-oriented research, research Its driving psychology lies in insecurity and even delusional victimization (see its guiding ideology of military strategy and military technology development, this conclusion is obvious)! But what was Gore's motivation? The superficial motivation is for the peace of the world and the sustainability of the earth, but what about the deep psychological motivation? Is it a highly anticipated sense of achievement? Is it the mental pleasure of exerting influence? Or a good sense of self-worth doing something meaningful?

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An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power quotes

  • Mr. Narendra Modi (PM of India): [at COP21] Democratic India must grow rapidly to meet the aspirations of 1.25 billion people 300 million of whom are without access to energy. Energy is a basic human need. There should be no place for unilateral steps that become economic barriers for others. So, we still need conventional energy, fossil fuel. And anything else will be morally wrong.

  • Al Gore: Ten years ago, when the movie An Inconvenient Truth came out, the single most criticised scene in that movie was an animated scene showing that the combination of sea level rise and storm surge would put the ocean water into the 9/11 memorial site, which was then under construction.