
Valentin 2022-09-24 03:36:46

Recently, I ordered two movies that I wanted to watch, and Zhang Tianzhi was one. It premiered today, and even the critics said it was bad. I watched it anyway. It’s not over yet, but I want to complain, I regret it so much! 1. The facialization of characters is very serious. 2. Aunt Yang's Mandarin will be played in one second, can't you hire a voice actor? 3. The fighting routine is too strong, as others have said, the sense of Weiya is too heavy, all kinds of jumping around, there is no gravity.

4. The acting skills are worrying, do you recite the lines?

5. The flaws of the actors have been magnified, such as Liu Yan, who can't recognize his face or his chest, but can't recognize it if he doesn't show it.

6. I can look forward to Tony Ja's Muay Thai, but it's a pity.

7. Is Wing Chun a vitality bomb? Last minute use?

8. This kind of martial arts film never considers the power brought by the body's own weight. Why is the fighting graded? The weight will be a few kilograms, and the power will be much larger. But in the movie, no matter the fist or the leg, no matter how big or small the opposite side is, as long as you hit him and are blocked by your hand, you will be able to stop it. . . . I think Gundam can stop it.

9, the plot is not to say. routine.

10. In the whole movie, I think that the policeman plays the best role. He used to play the one in I Have a Date with a Zombie. Am I revealing my age?

11, I haven't read it yet, I will vomit later.

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